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Yunho has never truly been loved. His mother died when he was young and his father became abusive after that. He would get beat for almost every little thing. It got to a point where he assumed it was normal.

In his senior year, he confessed to a guy he had been crushing on for a long time and was surprised when his confession was accepted. He was so happy and 'in love' that he didn't care what happened to him as long as he got to be with him. His boyfriend would sometimes hit him and swear at him but his father did the same thing so he thought it was just normal. That in a very absurd way, it was how they cared for him. He didn't like it, but he assumed that's just how it was.

It wasn't until college where he met a handsome man named Mingi. They quickly became friends and spent a lot of time together. Mingi was already obsessed with the older ever since he met him, but he kept his emotions to himself knowing Yunho had a boyfriend.

One day, he saw Yunho covered in bruises and when he found out that it was from his boyfriend, he decided that it was his responsibility to take care of Yunho properly and show him what true love is all about.

A/N: I'm actually thinking of writing this one someday so it's not up for grabs.

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