11 | Huge Titan

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3rd Person's Pov

"Eren! Why aren't you transforming?" Historia questioned

Y/N was still standing there, thinking of what to do. She still didn't want to transform and eat the man she loved.

"I'm waiting for Y/N to make her decision and eat me." He muttered

"Huh? Y/N... Why haven't you injected the Titan serum?" Historia asked Y/N.

"I don't want to do this... I might hurt even more people if I turned into a Titan. If Uncle Uri or Frieda didn't even release the knowledge they know, then what if something about that Titan power Eren has somehow controls me in a way and I won't let anyone get close to the truth? Or, what if I kill people with the power? There's now way in hell I'm turning into a Titan." Y/N uttered

"But Y/N! Don't you want to be just like your sister, Frieda?!" Rod Reiss exclaimed

"I'm sorry Father but there's many ways I can be just like Frieda. I'm not going to turn into a Titan. Also, why do we even need to do this?! Why does it have to be the Royal Family? Why do we even have this weird Titan ritual?!" She questioned

"Because the first King Reiss who built a wall around this world wanted us to be controlled by Titans. The first King believed that this was the only way to achieve true peace. But I do not know why. Only those who have seen the world's memories knows why.  A long time ago, me and my brother and I would beg our father to free humanity from the Titans. We asked over and over. He never so much as considered it. Eventually, the time came for my father to pass down his role. The first time I looked into my brother's eyes after he inherited the power, I came to understand something. The creator of this world, who governs it's very foundation, must be an omnipotent being. That is what my brother became. Do you know what to call such a being? God. That being is God. My duty is to bring that God back to this world and pray before it. 'm praying, Y/N. For God to lead and guide humanity!"

Rod Reiss grabbed the syringe from Y/N's hands and hovered it on top of  the skin of Y/N's arm. He was about to press it down so the spinal fluid could run through her blood but she threw it to the ground, smashing it. 

"Father, I didn't want to rebel against you but I'm not a puppet you can just control. I don't want Historia, Eren or anyone within this wall because you want me to fulfill your personal goa--"

She was then grabbed by Rod Reiss. But, Y/N managed to knock Rod Reiss down to the cold, hard ground.

Both Y/N and Historia rushed up to where Eren is. 

"What a show! This is getting good!" Kenny laughed as he watched from one of the Pillars. 

Historia grabbed the keys from the bag she was carrying. 

"What are you two doing?!" Eren croaked

"We're leaving, Eren." Historia simply said.

"Hey, stop it! If I live, people will keep suffering! Hurry up and eat me! I don't want to live like this!" He demanded.

"Eren! Can you at least trust us for once? Please, for fucks sake." Y/N scolded him.

'Yeah, idiot! Shut up for once!" Historia continued, "Exterminate the Titans? Who the hell would want a job like that? I don't give a damn about humanity anymore! They can get wiped out for all I care! I'm humanity's biggest enemy! Got it?! I'm the worse girl that ever lived! You get out of here. They, I'll destroy everything!" 

Y/N looked at her sister with a proud face. She didn't expect her to pop off like that.

Rod Reiss was crawling on the floor though. Crawling over to the now spilled Titan spinal fluid. He licked it and then turned into a huge Titan.


Author's Note

Short chapter but I was thinking of ending the chapter on that part

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