|| iced over truths ||

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{ 12:14 P.M } Early afternoon }

Yelena's hand was latched onto yours as you both headed for dining hall to eat with everyone. Listening to Yelena ramble on about which food they 'better' have, you cooled up your left arm to prevent Yelena's hand from sweating into your's before you ate. Yelena paused for a few seconds to lift her hand up to examine it.
" Did you just use your icy powers or whatever on my hand?" Yelena asked generally curious. You turned your head up and smiled "Yeah just a bit, your hands were kind of sliding" you replied opening the wide dark doors.
The candle light shined bright. Feeling Yelena's presence behind you, you sat at your regular seat. You sat down on the edge of the dining tables waiting for your friends to arrive.

As you sat down you watched Yelena walk from behind you towards another table. You focused your eyes to see that Onyankopon, Commander Hanji and Captain Levi sat there as well.

The sound of chattering rose, people started filling the dining room. As you sat there waiting, your mind started to wonder. Feeling stressed about the situation earlier.
We don't know much about Zeke's plan but you know you won't be anymore helpful than Eren. What different training will i have to do to increase abilities i don't know how to control? Your pacing mind came to an abrupt stop when you felt a cold hand graze your back. You lifted your head to see Armin.

        He was usually always the first person get to the table. He was always early. Armin smiled as he took the seat next to you. "Why are you here so early?" Armin said turning his body towards you. " I was in a hurry earlier and i got things finished, so i got here a bit early." You replied. Armin twitched up a bit remembering the encounter earlier in the hallway. " oh yeah, what was that about?" Armin questioned " I'm sorry for not taking you as seriously, also" Armin managed to throw out pulling his eyes to the ground. " it's alright i promise, it was just sort of hectic you know?" You said reassuring him. Watching the smile of Armin's face pull back together was nice. As you began telling Armin what you and Hanji had talked about earlier, everyone else started showing up to the table.
When you finished you looked towards the table. There was Armin, Mikasa, Eren, Connie, Sasha and jean.

"Y/n this cookie reminds me of the time we made an edible brownie and gave it to Conny, and while he was passed out we super glued his bottom lip to his nose." Sasha said abruptly out of no where. Everyone at the table started laughing. We were usually the loudest table, but i bet that's because of Conny and Jean. Mikasa was holding in a couple laughs with her hand across her mouth. Eren had a wide smirk on his face with his arms twisted together. Jean kept rubbing Conny's nose where the scar was and laughing. Conny just sat there, pouting and standing up. Attempting to pull up his hands to fight Sasha. You and Armin turned towards each other laughing faces red. As the group conversations continued on as usual.

You started to feel paranoid. Not the scary type of paranoid. You felt like someone was staring at you. You rose your head and obnoxiously moved your head around assuming you'd find someone. As soon as you realized how crazy you looked you face palmed flushed in frustration. You heard a few giggles in the distance.
Theres a lot of people in the dining area so maybe someone was just laughing? Something gave you the urge to look up. Your eyes met with Yelena dark ones across the room.
Her hands a few inches away from her face, letting you know she was the one giggling. You rose your head fully and stuck your tongue out then looked back at your friends like nothing happened. Yelena's face scrunched up in the distance with a smile. You continued talking and eating with your friends.


{3:47 P

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{3:47 P.M } mid-late afternoon}

You Jean, Eren and Sasha were ordered to clean the upstairs rooms above our dorms. Hanji had told us that since they were beginning to trust the Marleyeans more they're now privileged to have their our own dorm rooms like us. You and Jean were ordered with sweeping and mopping the floors. Sasha and Eren were ordered with brushing and polishing the tiles on the walls. We all started off in the same room which was the biggest room on the top floor. You and jean were doing the most work. You just wanted to get this done so you could maybe smoke later before you went to sleep. it'd help a lot with relaxing because you had training first thing tomorrow. Jean's excuse for hurrying up was " i have a life too."

Eren was in the corner slowly brushing the same area on the wall, day dreaming out the window. You slowly hopped over to jean with your broom in your hand and leaned over to whisper in his ear. " he's crazy if he thinks that we think he's actually doing work" you said pointing over to Eren. A couple of low chuckles erupted from Jean's chest. Eren, noticing him laughing turns and walks over to us to start arguing with jean. " oh so you think something's funny ?" Eren said pridefully. "Yeah you look like a braindead zombie zoning out the window, and your slacking off. Do your work you dick,  i just want to get out of here you know i have a life t-" Jean went on arguing with Eren. You picked up your broom walking over to Sasha who was sitting down also not doing anything. Other than nippling on a piece of buttered bread. The stacks of mops were right next to her. You picked up a conversation with Sasha walking over to the rack grabbing a mop to start. While also hearing Eren and Jean ramble in the background.


{4:16 P.M} mid afternoon}

"Alright" you sighed being picking up your supplies, being the first one to move to clean another room. As you opened the door to leave you turned and saw Sasha, that had noticed you, get up and started working herself. You closed the door behind you and started walking down the long hallway. You kept passing door from door to door. You tripped a bit over your own shoelace on your shoes and bent down to fix it. As soon as you bent down you felt your body pull sideways into darkness.


{Authors note}

Hey guys it's been a while loll

theres been a lot going on and writers block honestly.

don't hate me guysss


^ thats literally so amazing i didn't think this many people would enjoy a story like this

anyways thank you guys for the love and support its almost overwhelming.

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