|| sun-kissed grass ||

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Okay so i may have lied loll

don't kill me ya'll

i've been in Florida, i know i said two new chapters before last friday but i got really distracted.

too make up for it this is going to be a long chapter

and hopefully i'll be able to write another tomorrow

anddd i missed you guys, and obv Yelena.

but still as promised this is going to be a lemon

this is like first time i've wrote one so don't send any hitmen my way if this gets cringe

also to be crystal clear this is a lesbian x reader. if your reading this your probably gay soooo.

anyways please don't complain i'm really scared to post this but i know you guys want thissss.

soooo lets get into ittt!



also time skippp

{11:07 A.M } mid morning }

You groggily moved your body around in the shuffled sheets. Your messy hair covered your face but soon blew out of the way when the morning breeze hit you.

You slowly opened your eyes, struggled because of the enriched sleepy-ness crust resting in the corners of them. You rose your head up from the blankets to recognize your untidy dorm room. Last night was a blur, as you started getting up and freshening up, bits and pieces of your memory came flooding back like a childhood bruise.

All you can really recover the night before is you ,Sasha and Mikasa laughing in the kitchen eating snacks. Pushing last night to the side, you slipped on your pair of black training boots and your scouts uniform and hurried out the door. Roaming the hallways you remembered Yelena would be there watching you train. You guys were supposed to meet up again tonight around 7 or so. You were kind of looking forward to it.

You stepped outside to feel the fresh air blow through your hair. As you started walking to Hanji's lab you caught a glimpse of Eren and Jean having some troubles trying to carelessly train the younger new cadets. "OKAY NEW CADETS" you heard Jean booming throughout the small crowd. You, curious to catch a glimpse of their clueless antics stopped in your tracks to watch. "SINCE COMMANDER HANJI IS BUSY WITH OTHER BUSINESS THIS MORNING ME AND SCOUT YAEGER WILL BE TRAINING YOU TODAY." Jean finished with an uneven scout's salute. "YES SIR" was heard from the small but vibrant crowd. "TODAY WE WILL BE MAINLY FOCUSING ON YOUR UPPER BODY STRENGTH TO GET YOU WARMED UP FOR ODM TRAINING TOMORROW" Jean yelled sounding the tiniest bit unsure.

" incorrect" Eren said monotoned. Jean shocked froze up a bit. "what the hell do you mean incorrect?" Jean said turnt over into Erens ear. Ignoring Jeans response Eren turnt to the small crowd " Commander Hanji told me that you guys were already ready for ODM gear training, Scout Kirstein here just wants to put you guys through more work than you already ha-" Eren was cut off by Jean himself cursing at Eren. Minutes later Commander Pyxis came to clear out the bickering.

Continuing on with your day you see Sasha sluggishly carrying herself out headquarters, you caught a glimpse of her deep dark under eye bags. Laughing to yourself knowing the lecture she just probably had to endure by the dorm commandment for getting up late. Finally reaching Hanjis lab, you opened the doors and went into her office. Sitting down you were surprised to see Onyankopon sitting in Hanjis office chair sorting out different types of papers.

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