Four • Bullseye

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TW: minor s*xual a*sault (Uncomfortable Chuuya) it's in the middle of the chapter and there's another warning then.

"I'm going to need [Y/N] to show her skills, and you two, will be of help."

• • •

"How exactly will she show us what she's capable of?" Chuuya questioned the man in front of him. "We'll be heading to a shooting range," Mori chuckled at the way you all stood in shock.

You raised an eyebrow, a bit nervous, "I'll be more than happy to show you what I'm capable of."

The only scary part about showing off, was the fear of messing up. What if Mori didn't think you were capable of being in the mafia?

Mori grinned at you, clearly fond of your confidence, "I've also asked the someone if knives are allowed. So, not only will you be showing us how you control a knife, we'll also be teaching you how to use a gun."

You looked up at him, slightly tilting your head to the side as you smiled, "I'd love to."

• • •

The four of you took a car to the area. Well, Mori was the one driving as the three of you sat in the back. He made Elise sit in the front with him, forcing you to sit in the middle seat.

"You didn't have to sit in the middle, you know? I could've sat there instead," Dazai said. "Like hell I'd sit next to you!" Chuuya immediately responded. Dazai rolled his eyes, "I was only trying to be polite to our newest member."

Mori on the other hand, was enjoying every bit of their conversation. It really was like reality show; arguing nonstop and over exaggerating everything.

"Mori- boss, why'd you pair Dazai and Chuuya together? They argue a lot," you tried sounding as nice as possible. It wasn't like you were annoyed by them, you were just curious. Even for you, they were like a source of entertainment.

"Well, I've said this before to them, but they don't pay much mind to it. A polish can only polish a diamond, their dynamic may be rather unprofessional outside of work, but when in the field, they're practically unstoppable."

And to that, all Dazai and Chuuya did was glare at the poor man.

"What's your ability, Dazai?" He clicked his tongue, "No Longer Human, an ability that cancels out any other ability with just a touch of a finger. I guess you could call me anti-gifted."

It all made a lot more sense as to why Mori paired them, despite his whole diamond explanation. The main point, Dazai stops Chuuya from dying by his own ability.

Dazai probably has a bigger role than just preventing Chuuya from dying, but something about him just seemed...wrong.

"So you prevent Chuuya from dying, basically," you said, finally letting your thoughts out. Mori chuckled, "I wouldn't make Dazai executive if that was his only skill."

"During a mission, they would've invariably detected the enemy's weaknesses with Dazai's intellect, and Chuuya would've demolished them," Mori continued.

Oh. So he's smart. He can read people pretty easily, which is probably why he makes it hard for people to read him. Not in an edgy mysterious type of way—but in a way to protect himself. Though, there is an edgy mysterious side to Dazai. Intentional or not.

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