Twenty Three • It's Nice to Bump Into You

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"Goodnight, [Y/N]."

• • •

The next day follows easily, and Dazai invited you and Chuuya to his room like usual. Well, Chuuya said he'll be coming a little later because he still wants more sleep. Which isn't a lie. He genuinely wants to make up for the sleep he didn't get while at the hospital, and the best thing you and Dazai can do is let him have it.

"I didn't think you were up so early," He says, still rubbing his eyes. "You know that I wake up earlier than you, it's not my fault that you overslept," You reply, arms crossed. "True," He sighs. "That's on me, but I still have to take a shower so—if you want to wait you can," He starts, getting his clothes from the wardrobe. "If not, I'll come back to your room."

You watch him as he grabs his clothes, "I'll wait. It feels almost nostalgic—waiting for you to get out of the bathroom, you know?" He chuckles lightly, "Well in that case, do you want to sleep here today?" You nod at him, smiling brightly. He pecks your lips quickly before closing the door to the washroom, instantly taking off the bandage wrapped on his eye. He had already brushed his teeth before you came, so he decided to cover his eye before you entered.

He continues removing his bandages as he turns on the shower, waiting for it to be warm enough to step in. You take a look around his room, picking up the plushie that he had gotten for himself that day. And then, that's when you hear it.

It's very faded, barely audible, and low. But you hear it.

A low, strangled, moan.

What the?

Is he? Not now

But, that's obviously not what happened. And Dazai's face is now burning in the shower and he's praying that you didn't hear that. Because what actually happened was him accidentally taking too many steps to the left and hitting his elbow on the glass door.

Dazai's brain right now? Something along the lines of—




So he quickly turns off the shower, the warmth running across his body stopping immediately, but his face still feels like it's melting. He very quickly puts his bandages and clothes on, looking in the mirror and waiting for his face to cool down.

Once he feels ready, he turns the doorknob, and finally opens the door.

Then his eyes meet your slightly widened ones and his face flushes because he takes that as a hint that you did hear him. Not only that, but you probably got the wrong idea. And he just wants to bury a hole and crawl into it right on the spot. And obviously, you don't want to make him feel weird, so you try going with something subtle because he probably knows that his face is tinted, "Are you okay?" Dazai almost chokes, "I—Yeah, I hit my elbow in the shower." He attempts to roll up his sleeve, showing his reddened elbow.

Thank God.

You squint your eyes a little while looking at his elbow, "Jeez. Do you need ice or anything?" He sighs in relief, glad that he was able to clarify that, "No, but I do need something." He inches towards you, throwing his hands up. You roll your eyes when you feel his arms around your waist. You wrap your arms around his neck, hugging him back. "You're so hot," You mumble. "Wait—I mean like your body feels really warm."

"Wow, you don't think that I'm hot? How cruel, [Y/N]."

And right when you were about to reply, there's a knock on the door. You both pull away from each other and Dazai yells, "Come in."

The door opens, followed by a "Good morning, [Y/N]."

"Good morning, Chuuya," You reply, watching the way he tugs his gloves further down. "Also, I had been meaning to ask," You start, and they both look toward you. "When do you think Mori will start giving us more missions, and second, have any of you talked to the new guy?" It was a basic question, nothing too random, it made sense. "I'm not sure, but I think pretty soon? I heard him talking about it when I passed by his office the other day," Dazai answers first. Chuuya nods his head in response, "And well, I haven't talked to him. Have you?" Both you and Dazai shake your heads.

• • •

And as if God was looking down on Chuuya today, he magically runs into Tachihara. As for you two, you went back to your room for a little while, and Dazai went to meet Oda. "Oh, hey," Tachihara starts. "Chuuya, right? We didn't really get a chance to talk when Boss introduced me." Chuuya stares back at Tachihara, a little surprised that he isn't nervous to talk to someone he only recently met. "Yeah," Chuuya replies, and he's more confident than he expected. "Mori doesn't exactly know when to stop talking sometimes. Have you already gotten your tour?"

Now it's Tachihara's turn to be surprised, because from the way Chuuya acted the first time they met, he didn't think of him like this. And well, Chuuya is confident—even if he doesn't act like it sometimes, he has his insecurities.

But he knows he's good looking, even if Tachihara's around sixteen centimeters taller than him. He may not be the smoothest person, but he's more of the...gentlemanly type, per se.

Hopeless romantic, remember?

"Yeah, it seems nice around here. I was actually just going back to my room, but I sort lost?" Tachihara scratches the back of his head. "I can help you, if you want?" Chuuya says, he doesn't think anything of it, why should he think anything of it?

So here they are now, they've been walking for a while now, and they've finally reached his room. Turns out that Tachihara was checking the wrong side, looking to his left when his room is on the right side.

"I'm really sorry about that," Tachihara laughs at himself as he smacks the top of his head lightly. Chuuya laughs a little as well, "It's no big deal, don't worry about it."

• • •

"Odasaku, obviously I wouldn't," Dazai rolls his eyes playfully, bringing the glass of whiskey to his lips again. "Fine, fine—You also said you needed to show me something today?" Oda says, curious as to why Dazai asked to hang out for a specific reason. He doesn't normally do that, it's more of a..."Odasaku! Are you free?" And then Oda would say, "Yeah, I'll see you then." It's straight forward, no questions asked. There's no need for questions, they like meeting each other, even if they hardly say it to the other.

"Yes, I do."

A/N: Yet again, another random crack/fluff chapter.

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