Forty Six • Dealing With It

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"Ah okay."

• • •

He shuts the door again, locking it as he does so.

Well, watching Dazai walk around the room shirtless is definitely something you could get used to. The bandages cover him, but not as much as you thought—a little lower than his waist, and there's a gap of skin between his hips, showing off his v-line like it's an artifact at a museum.

Paying attention to it now, you realize that at one point, he had tucked his hair behind his ear on one side. He looks hot, okay? Insanely, maddeningly hot, and he's walking around with that stupid grin because he knows you're staring at him. "Enjoying the view?"

Yes, a lot.

"Yep," you say, getting off of the bed. "Are you feeling better?"

He smiles at that. "Yeah," he whispers, giving one last peck to your lips, "thanks." He grabs the shirt that tossed onto the floor, throwing it into the laundry as he walks over to his closet. He feels oddly exposed right now, but the way you've reacted to finally seeing the amount of bandages that are on his chest, he doesn't think it went over too badly. And well, he knows that one day you were going to see him like this, and maybe even more exposed—he's not ready for that yet, no one has ever seen him like that besides himself.

He's not rushing to find a shirt to cover himself, no. He's calm, collected, even. To Dazai, it's just a normal thing for him, it's not like he's never walked around his room shirtless before. He's just...always been cautious when he took off his bandages when he wasn't in his bathroom.

There's no need to dress up super fancy when going to Chuuya's room now, it is a party, but it's not like the one that you had last night. Casual clothes are good. You were ready to go anyway, wearing an oversized shirt—that wasn't Dazai's, for once—was the most comfortable thing at the moment.

Dazai pulls out a black shirt by the time you walk in, tugging it over his head and letting his hair look more messy than put together. Brushing his hair with his fingers, just enough to not make him look like he just woke up, you both leave the room.

Quickly, he takes out the keys to the room, letting you both in Chuuya's room. "Oh, hey," Chuuya says, spinning the chair around from his desk to look at you—definitely not as dramatically as Mori—

Chuuya's hair also started to grow out, and he didn't bother cutting it again—he likes it a little longer, he gets to try out different things. Which was exactly what he was doing before you two had came, tying his hair up in different ways and trying to see what he liked best.

"Hey, you sleep all day?" Dazai asks, chuckling, because now that he thinks about it, Chuuya hasn't talked to him ever since Dazai came to his room. Well, they didn't really talk, Chuuya only groaned in his sleep out of annoyance because he wanted Dazai's mumbled voice to shut up—

"I hung out with Tachihara today, [Y/N] didn't tell you?"


"Well, no—" Dazai responds, a little confused. "He was out with Oda then, so I didn't get the chance to tell him," you respond, and it may sound you and Chuuya are giving him the wrong idea, but he doesn't think of it as anything like that. "With Oda?" Chuuya asks, "that early?"

It's almost painful how everyone close to him knows that he never hangs out with Oda so early. Because they'd always hang out at Bar Lupin, it's not like they would go to an arcade and eat lunch out like how Chuuya and Tachihara did today. Their friendship just wasn't like that—

"He had to talk to me about something," Dazai says, "he's leaving the Port Mafia tonight." He really doesn't want to talk about it. There's not much that he wants or needs to talk about anyway—they're still friends, they're still going to meet up. Why does it feel so wrong, then?

"Oh—" Chuuya replies, and he's shocked, believe him. "Are you..?"

"Yes, and there's nothing that needs to be discussed," Dazai cuts him off before he finishes. "It's your day, come on, I didn't come here to ruin it."

And the rest of the night goes by smoothly, with no other word. It's nice getting to spend with just the three of you, just like old times when you weren't with—


There has been a weird gap sometimes, but it was expected and you can't blame Chuuya for giving a little more space. Besides, he has Tachihara as a friend too now, it's not like Chuuya feels lonely. The last time he's truly felt lonely was when the fla—

Stop. Not now.

The night ends, sadly, just like every other day. It's bizarre how before, Dazai never wanted to wake up, wished to sleep forever. And now? He's gotten way too used to waking up beside you, and that...helps him get through his days.

After you've all said your 'goodnights' to each other, you and Dazai leave the room. You nearly jump when you see a silhouette on the opposite side of the hallway, walking closer to you two. Dazai doesn't seem to be minding it—deep inside he knows exactly who it is. He grabs your hand, pulling you into the room with him. By then, the figure is almost right outside Dazai's room, and Dazai keeps the door open while still in the room.

"Ah, Dazai!" Mori exclaims, acting so like he's so happy to see him.

His reply is getting a door slammed to his face.

A/N: so, this may seem like a little much to ask for, but I published a new book! well, not really a book, it's only one chapter, and it's already completed. it has nothing to do with the plot of this story, but it would mean a lot if you guys could check it out! thank you. <3

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