Chapter 1

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Annoyed you look around the plane. It is the first time you going to fly somewhere and now you are alone here. You have hoped that someone would be with you, when you get on a plan. But in the same time...everythings is different from what I have imagined, you think.

After you find your place, you sit down and watch what is happening around you. All the people in this plane looks so happy. Well, I guess they fly into their holidays or visit their families, you think. After the plane takes off, you grab your backpack and search for your phone and you headphones. You put in your headphones, start your playlist and look out the window.

I want it to be like it used to be, I would give anything for a single day...

You listend to the song and you can feel the tears come up to your eyes. The song is so relatable for you and this lyrics make your tears coming up because that’s what you feel right now.

Nobody knows that you really would do anything to have a single day of your old life. It will never be like it used to be, you think and  wipe away your tears. You are glad that no one is stting next to you and can see your tears, even if it wouldn’t matter. You ever thought that it would be a wonderful day when you get on a plane for the first time. You have imagined that you would do this together with your friends and you would go to a trip together, have fun and enjoy the time. Fun, you think and smile bitterly. Now you are sitting here alone on your way to a new life.....

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