chapter 16 p 2

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Ron's point of view

Harry immediately went to sit on the couch and picked up some paperwork to start reading. I had nothing to do so I went and stretched out on the sofa laying my head on his thigh.

I took this time to observe him quietly. Trying to note the differences in his facial expressions and features from when I first saw him until now. And honestly I can say that he is like a whole new person.

Gone was the weak and soft body, gone was the striking forest green eyes. But the dull look in his eyes was also gone. Gone was the soft and easy to get along with boy I once knew and in his place is a man I feel as if I have to learn all over again.

While making my observations I noticed his brows furrowing and a hint of confusion was entering his eyes. So I sat up and tried to peak over his shoulder to see what he was looking at.

What's wrong I whispered softly in his ear, watching the fine trimmer that shook his body. As a faint blush rose into his cheek I noticed that he was looking at a inheritance letter.

What is it, I asked again pressing my body against his. I was wondering why there was the word deceased next to Bellatrix Lestrange's name and I didn't know she was my God mother either he said.

I looked at his confused eyes and found that the cute side to him was still intact. His puppy dog eyes looking even cuter now than before. I took the inheritance documents from him and immediately noticed what was confusing him. I laid back down in his lap and prepared to explain some little know facts.

Not many people know this but Bellatrix Lestrange had a twin sister. "I told him. I could sense his surprise as his leg jumped a little beneath my head.

What really? he said. I just hummed in response as he began threading his fingers in my hair the enjoyable feeling causing me to relax further into his lap.

"Yes they where identical twins. I told him. How come no one talks about her? What happened to her? He asked me while still massaging my head.

Like I said her and Beatrix where identical twin sisters and you can only imagine how close their relationship was. As hard as it is to believe Bellatrix was the quieter sister.

Thirty minutes younger than beatrix she followed Beatrix like a shadow. Always doing whatever Beatrix wanted to do and going wherever Beatrix wanted to go. That is until Beatrix wanted to join the order.

Naturally Bellatrix wanted to join too. But for the first time Beatrix denied her saying she wanted to do things by herself. And then another first, the two sisters fought. Of course not physically but words can leave deep scars as well.

What did they say to each other? Harry asked me, curiosity rampant in his eyes. If I can remember correctly Beatrix said that Bellatrix was a weak follower and a loser. While Bellatrix said something about Beatrix being out of control and running away from obligations.

You see both Beatrix and Bellatrix where placed in an prearranged marriage before they where born. I'm guessing that they were just told about it when Beatrix decided to join the order.

They eventually made up but things where not the same as before. Beatrix apologized but Bellatrix still wasn't allowed to join the order. A few months after their wedding Beatrix ran away from home and went back to the order.

Days later the order was attacked by Voldemort and Beatrix was killed. It is said that when the psychic link between the twin sisters broke Bellatrix went insane, and killed several people. She eventually joined Voldemort and became what you see today.

Wow, that's crazy, Harry said. How did you know all that ? He asked me. Me and my brothers have been listening in on my dad's meetings with the order for a long time. This is just a few of the secrets I know.

At this time I decided to go ahead and read Harry's inheritance letter I decided that I liked Hadrian better but I would still call him Harry unless it was special occasions. As I was reading I noticed another discrepancy.

It says here that your father James nicholas Potter is still alive. I said while looking up at Harry. I watched as shock and confusion crossed his face as he snatched the paper from my hand and looked closely at it.

I quickly sat up on my knees and leaned over his shoulder. I reached out and pointed at the inheritance you see where next to your grandparents names is the word deceased. This means that they are already dead.

But if you look at your parents names it's not there and that means that they are still alive. That means both of them are alive you mother Severus Snape and your father James Potter.

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