Hide and Seek w/Avengers

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It was just another Saturday with the Avengers, do you know what that means...


"No, that's stupid!"




"Are you trying to start Workd War 3?!"

"You guys are no fun!"

So yeah.. nothing new with the Avengers. Then Peter had an idea.

"Hey we should play hide and seek! We haven't done that!" Peter said excitedly. He loves hide and seek out he hasn't had anyone to play ot with him since recess when he was in elementary school..

"Dont you think that's a bit childish-" Sam starts only to be interrupted with a death glare for Nat.

"That's sounds like a great idea kiddo, right guys." she says turning to everyone else at the last sentence with a look that says there's no room for argument. They nod while Peterjumps up excitedly.

"Yay! I'll go hide!" He says as he runs off.

"I vote Capsicle to seek!" Tony says before getting up too. Everyone besides Steve quickly get up and leave to go hide too.

"Well I guess I'll count.." Steve mumbles to himself.

As Peter was running through the walls thinking of a place to hide, he looked up at the ceiling and had a great idea!

Steve was wandering around when he heard people whisper yelling form sounded like from the kitchen. He gis and looks around and doesn't see anyone at first until, he turns around and nearly jumps out of his skin.

"What the- how the heck did you get up there?!" He says looking up at Bucky who is crouching looking down at him like a hawk looking for his prey, on top of the insanely tall expensive fridge.

"See what you did Sam? You were loud!" Bucky said looking towards a cupboard as he just casually hopped off the fridge.

"Me?! You were the one who was loud and he didn't even know I was here until you opened you're stupid mouth!" Sam said as he crawled out of a nearby cupboard.

"Yeah well that's what you get Birdbrain"

"Oh really Barnes-" Steve just rolled his eyes and left the two man-children to there bickering while he went to go find the others.

Steve went around the Compound some more and ended up finding some of the others. The other Avengers helped Steve to continue and look for everyone else.

After everyone but one person was found, the Avengers all looked around  to see that the only person they haven't found yet was Peter.

"Well Avenger, let's go find a Spiderling" Steve said. They ended up looking for him for over 30 minutes and he was no where!

"Uuh.. I'm tired of walking around" Clont whined as they all walked back into the living room.

"Stop whining" Nat said rolling her eyes as she walked past him.

"Were could he be?! We looked everywhere!" Tony said exasperated.

"Well obviously not everywhere" Sam pointed out.

"Really Wilso-" Tiny started to say but w cut off as the lights in the living room turned off suddenly.

"What the hel-" Clint said but didn't finish his sentence. The lights turned on a few seconds later and they all looked around to see Clint gone.

"Clint?" Nat called.

"Guys-" Steve said but when everyone turned to look at hi he wasnt there.

"What the heck is happening?!" Sam said. The avengers turned again to see Nat and Bucky gone.

"I swear to god-" Tony said but saw that n the split second he looked away everyone else vanished too.

"What the- and omg where's Peter-" Tony said but was interrupted when he heard a small giggle. He looked up and saw none other then Peter trying to suppress his giggle while sitting upside down on the ceiling, with the rest of the Avengers webbed to the ceiling, with their mouths webbed shut.

"Wha-?!" but the next second before he could do anything he felt himself get webbed to the ceiling, but his mouth wasn't. Peter smiled and slowly webbed himself to the ground, and giggled a he looked up at the Avengers.

"What the heck Peter?!" Tony asked as some others squirmed in the webs.

"What? You guys took forever to find me and I got bored!" he says with another chuckle.

"Get me down from here!" Toy said.

"Can we watch Star Wars together?" Peter asked excitedly.

"No, we've seen it enough! Just get us down." He said.

"Please.." Peter said using his puppy dog eyes. Tony sighed knowing he couldntsay no time him..

"Fine.. just get me down" he said.

"Okay! What one should we watch Mr. Stark? Oh can we have some snacks?! I think e have some popcorn, although we may not have lip tats because I think Thor ate them all, but oh we might-" Pter continued to ramble as he crawled back up to the ceiling. Tony couldn't help but smile at his crazy spider child. But tonight was going to be a long night..

(I dont know what this is... 😅 hopefully it's okay. Maybe this is partly a crackfic.. idk. I just wanted to post something since I haven't for a while. I've been caught up with schol work. I am working on a 'Clints Farm Pt. 2' though so hopefully that will be posted soon!)

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