Wanda's Son Pt. 1

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A/N Happy Pride Month everyone <3 !! I will hopefully do a chapter about that (and sorry I haven't done it a lot sooner), I've just had no motivation lately. But I have just graduated grade 8, and it's almost summer break, so I'll have more time to write then!

Little Background Info:

-Wanda had Peter when she was 15 (in Hydra)

-Age of Ultron happened when Wanda was 18

-Currently, Wanda is 21, and Peter is 6

-Peter has spider powers (the story will explain)

Wanda had a secret that none of the Avengers would have ever guessed. She was a mom. More specifically she was a teen mom. When she was just 15 years old, she gave birth to the most precious little baby ever, with his big brown eyes, and cute little curls. Wanda promised herself right then and there that she would do anything to keep her little boy safe.

Although it was Hydra who had impregnated her against her will, Wanda had never regretted Peter, and had always thought of him as the one and only good thing that came from Hydra. Back in Hydra, Pietro had always been there for Wanda and Peter whenever he could, and though it infuriated him what they did to Wanda, he too loved Peter with his whole heart.

So, after everything that happened with Ultron, even though it felt like there was a ginormous black hole in Wanda's heart from losing her twin, the first chance she got, she went back and rescued Peter from Hydra. And since then Wanda has been raising her son, Peter Pietro Maximoff, all by herself in an apartment in New York.

Currently, Wanda was sitting in her apartment reading while in her pajamas, enjoying a cup of hot chocolate. The apartment wasn't that big, but it was cute, and cozy for a mother and son duo to live in.

She heard little footsteps coming down the hallway to the living room, and put her book down and turned to see Peter walk sleepily towards her, his curls a mess, and rubbing his eyes with his little hands.

"Mommy?" he said in a quiet, tired voice.

"Hey милая (honey), why are you up this late?" she said softly as he came and sat next to her on the couch.

"плохой сон (bad dream)" he murmured, "it was really scary." He curled up to his mom and she wrapped an arm around her son.

"Shh.. it's okay sweetheart, mama's here. Как насчет того, чтобы остаться со мной, пока не уснешь, ладно? (How about you stay with me until you fall asleep, okay?)" she asked while looking down at the 6-year-old, whose eyes were already starting to flutter closed, comforted by his mother's warmth.

"Okay.." he said as he started to drift off to sleep. Wanda smiled and placed a gentle kiss on his forehead. She carefully used her magic to bring a blanket over and wrap it around them, before she closed her eyes and started to fall asleep too.


Wanda woke up the next morning to the sound of Peter snoring softly with a little drool dribbling out of his mouth. She chuckled quietly and carefully got up from the couch without waking him, and made her way to her room to get dressed and ready for the day.

After getting dressed, fixing her hair, and putting on a little makeup, she went out to the kitchen and started to make thin pancakes, buckwheat porridge, and some fruit, Peter's favourite. It was a pretty average Russian breakfast that she used to have as a child a lot, since Sokovia and Russia were similar to each other in many ways, along with their languages. Once they were both out of Hydra, Wanda had made the breakfast a few times, and Peter instantly loved it.

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