Wanda's Son Pt. 2

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A/N Here's part 2!


Peter settled himself in an alleyway between two buildings, behind a box while squeezing his eyes shut and covering his ears with his hands as tears streamed down his face. Everything was so loud and scary and he just wanted his mommy.


The fight had finally come to an end, and the Avengers were just helping out a few people who needed it as the police were on their way.

"Are you coming back to the tower with us Wands?" Clint asked.

"Uh not right now.. I actually need to go take care of something now, bye guys" Wanda said quickly with a quick wave before she started to make her way towards the park, where she hoped that Peter was still at.

The rest of the Avengers had wrapped up and started to head back to the tower. Thor was about to leave too, but he stopped when he heard small sniffles coming from an alley. The god turned down the alleyway to see a small boy sitting there crying and wiping his eyes with his little hands.

"Are you alright small child?" Thor asked in his usual loud voice, startling the kid. When he didn't answer but just stared at him with wide scared eyes, Thor bent down to his height and tried to speak calmer so as to not frighten him further.

"What is your name?" he asked.

"P-peter" he whispered quietly, not really sure if he should be talking to the big man, although he did notice that he looked familiar.

"Are you lost, young Peter?" Thor asked him.

"Yeah.. I-I tried to find my mommy, but I c-couldn't find h-her" he said, choking on his words a bit.

"Well why don't you come with me, young one. I'm sure my friend the Man of Iron could help track down your mother." Thor said as he held out a hand for Peter to take. Peter looked at his hand warrily, not sure if he should trust him, but he seemed nice and he really did wanna see his mom.

"Don't worry Peter, I am the God of Thunder, I will not harm you" he said, seeming to sense Peter's doubt. Peter looked up to Thor's eyes, before standing up and taking Thor's ginormous hand compared to his small one, and let Thor lead him to the Avengers Tower.


Peter looked around nervously as he and Thor entered the Avengers Tower. He didn't know if he should've gone with him since he was a stranger, but Peter remembered that his mom said that if anyone tries to hurt him to use his powers.

"Come along child" Thor said as he gestured for Peter to go into an elevator with him. Peter hesitated at first, but entered with him anyway. Besides, he did think elevators were cool, although he had only gone in one a few times when he went to doctor's appointments with his mom. Although he thought the elevator was really cool, Peter was too sad and scared at the moment to express his excitement.

The elevator dinged as it came to a stop, making Peter jump a little at the sudden noise, but still he waddled out behind Thor, making him unseen behind the god. Some of the Avengers were just hanging around in the common room, relaxing after the mini mission that they came back from. Tony heard the elevator ding, and turned to see Thor walk out of it.

"Point Break! Where have you been?" Tony asked, wondering where the god has been for the last 10 minutes.

"Ah, Man of Iron, I have returned! And I brought this small midgardian child with me!" Thor exclaimed loudly, moving to the side to show Peter. Everyone turned, and stared at Peter as he took a few small steps back, frightened from all the eyes on him. Peter looked around at everyone, who just stared back at him with a mix of blank and confused looks on their faces for a few seconds, before Tony spoke up.

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