Chapter 16

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"Abe!" Maggie exclaimed as she almost ran towards the man sitting in the wheelchair.

Instantly his eyes lit up. "Well, if it isn't Maggie." He rolled towards her. "It's been so long! I started thinking you had forgotten about us old folks." With this he crossed his arms and gave her a side wards look of disapproval.

Maggie chuckled. "How could I ever forget about you? You're way too special!" She gave him a small smile. "Sorry about not visiting. Things have been a little hectic."

Abe examined her carefully, and after determining her apology to be genuine, nodded. "It can't be helped then." he huffed. Then he sat a little more forward in his chair, clasping his hands together. "So, how have you been settling into the city? Did you find a place to live? Made any friends?" He looked her up and down, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Any boyfriends?"

Maggie laughed. "Yes to all of the above. Except for the boyfriend part."

He tilted his head slightly. "You sure about that? You look happier than you did when I last saw you."

Maggie's eyebrows shot up in surprise. "I do?"

Abe nodded, a knowing look on his face. "Mmm-mmm."

"Maggie!" an angry voice sounded behind her. She flinched and then whipped around, her eyes landing on Logan marching up to her and Abe.

"Maggie, you forgot your phone in the car." He handed her the device, a scowl on his face. "How many times have I told you to keep it with you? You know how Ben and Lisa freak out if they can't reach you. Don't you realize how irresponsible it is?"

Maggie examined his face, his eyes stormy grey. She had to stop herself from smiling. She had a feeling that he would not appreciate it. "Sorry, Logan. I'll be more careful. Please don't be mad?" She gave him a small smile, trying to soothe him.

Logan looked down at her guilty expression, her blue eyes fixed on him, waiting for a reaction. He sighed and pinched the bridge of his nose. "I just can't stay mad at you. Just promise you'll be more attentive in the future."

With this, her smile brightened. She hated seeing him angry, especially at her. "Promise."

Logan sighed again and then noticed Abe. "Hey Abe, how's it going?"

Abe rolled his eyes. "Oh, so you've finally managed to peel your eyes away from her long enough to notice little, old me?"

Logan chuckled. "Don't be like that, Abe. You're my favorite client after all."

Abe laughed gruffly. "Just because you make a lot of money off me." He turned his wheelchair. "Come on, I'm sure the others will want to see you guys too."

They followed him into the common hall, where they were greeted warmly. They mingled with everyone for a while, catching up. After a few games, Maggie started handing out the photos she had taken. When she was done she walked over to Logan who was watching everyone reactions to the photos.

She handed him an envelope. "Don't think I forgot about you, Mister."

Logan's brows knotted together. "But I wasn't even in the room that day when you took the photos?"

She had a secretive smile on her lips. "I have my ways."

Logan opened the envelope and carefully took out the photo. A surprised look crossed his face. He looked at her, shocked. The black and white photo was of him when he was about seventeen. He was sitting on the window seat by the bay window in their house, staring out into the garden, a gentle smile on his face. "Maggie... When did you take this?"

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