Chapter 8

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Maggie signed the last page of the thick document before her, the pen scraping against the paper.

"And we're done." the real estate agent said, taking the contract from her. "Congratulations! You're free to move in whenever you want." She handed over a set of keys. "Let me know if there's anything else you need."

Maggie thanked her and saw her to the door. Then she turned around and took in her surroundings. It wasn't a huge apartment, but it was nice. An open plan living room and kitchen. A study to the left and on the right two bedrooms and a bathroom. At the back was a small patio and garden.

Finally, a place of her own. Just then there was a knock on the door. She turned around and turned the knob and to her surprise found Logan.

Her brows knotted together. "Logan? What are you doing here?"

He shrugged. "Just greeting my new neighbor, you know. Being all neighborly."

She examined his face. He did not exactly look happy to be there. "Lisa made you come check in on me, didn't she?"

He sighed. The jig was up. Not that he really cared. "Actually, it was Ben."

She felt a smile tugging at the corners of her mouth. Ben and Lisa had gone away for the weekend. Still, he was worried about her.

He looked inside. "Hmm. About the same as mine. Just a lot emptier, though."

She followed his gaze. "Yeah. I was just thinking the same thing. I'll have to go furniture shopping."

Logan glanced at her and then back to the apartment. "You need any help?"

She looked at him, her mouth falling open. Maybe she had heard him wrong? She must have.

He rolled his eyes. "Don't look so shocked. I can be helpful too." He looked at the apartment again. "You don't have a car, right? So, let me drive you. And I'm assuming you have some boxes stored away somewhere?"

Maggie wasn't sure what to make of the situation. But she could use the help. She nodded. "Sure, thanks."

Logan turned around. "Great. I'll get my keys."

Ten minutes later she was sitting next to him in his car. He looked at her. "Where to?"

She thought for a moment. "There's a second-hand furniture store downtown. Corner of Fifth and Lexington?"

He stared at her. "You, Maggie Turner, are going to buy furniture from a second-hand store."

She felt her irritation grow and crossed her arms, looking him directly in the eye. "Yes. Yes, I am."

He was about to say something, but she cut him off.

"And so, help me, if you quote anything I said about second-hand stuff when we were teenagers I will hit you."

Logan threw his hands up in the air, a half-smile pulling at his mouth corners. "Fine, fine. Corner of Fifth and Lexington it is."

Two hours later they walked out of the second-hand furniture store. She had managed to score a decent couch and two armchairs, a coffee table, a TV, a bed, a desk and chair, and even some decorative items. The owner promised to have everything delivered in an hour or two. Logan had been helpful after all. He pointed out which furniture was still in a good condition, spotted a good carpet for the living room and he even got her a better price on the lot. Though there had been once or twice when they had almost strangled each other.

Next up were the boxes in storage. At least there weren't that many, nine total. After loading the last one into the car, Logan wiped his hands against his jeans. "That all?"

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