Chapter 21

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The reception hall was filled with music. The wedding guests were happily chatting amongst themselves. The ceremony had been absolutely beautiful, and the reception had gone off without a hitch.

Maggie giggled as she and Lisa spun around on the dance floor. They guys had taken a break, but that wasn't going to stop them from having fun. Eventually, the song ended, and Lisa let out a big breath. "Ok, I need to sit down."

Maggie chuckled and they made their way over to some chairs. Her eyes searched for Logan. She glanced around and spotted them through the door. They were sitting outside chatting and laughing, beers in hand. She smiled in relief. She had been a little worried that there would be a bit of tension between them since Ben now knew she and Logan were dating, but all seemed well.

"You just can't help but look for him, can you?" Lisa suddenly asked beside her.

Maggie laughed and shook her head. "No. My eyes always seem to find him."

Lisa nodded. "Same here." She looked at Ben and sighed. "I don't know how it's possible to love someone this much." She then shot Maggie an accusing look. "I still can't believe you didn't tell me about you two."

She gave her an apologetic smile. "I told you I'm sorry. Please forgive me? I promise I won't hide anything from you again." With this, she crossed her heart.

Lisa smiled. "You better not. I want to know everything. Proposals. Pregnancies. The whole shebang. Don't you dare leave out one thing."

Maggie laughed but before she could answer she felt a pair of strong arms wrap around her shoulders. Warm breath tickled her ear. "What's this about proposals and pregnancies?"

Goosebumps erupted on Maggie's skin and she had to work hard to contain a shudder. She turned her head and gently placed her forehead on his. She pulled away. "Just talking about the future."

His grey eyes were bright. "I like that idea very much." He smiled and placed a kiss on her lips.

"Oh, come on, guys. I'm right here." Ben chimed in from next to Lisa. "Logan, that's my sister."

Logan smiled against her lips and then pulled away. He turned to Ben, his eyes sparkling with mischief. "Fine. Then I'll go kiss your sister outside, in the dark."

Ben began to protest but Logan was already pulling her away. She laughed and followed him outside. He led her to a bench near the lake and pulled her down next to him.

He wiggled his eyebrows. "We're finally alone."

She chuckled and hit him on the shoulder. "You're going to give Ben a heart attack."

He smiled. "Not my problem. He'll just have to get over it." He pushed a lock of her hair behind her ear. "I told you once, you're all that matters."

She smiled and leaned in for another kiss. When they pulled away she rested her head on his shoulder. For a moment they just sat there, enjoying the view.

Then Logan spoke softly, earnestly. "You know, when I was sixteen, your dad and I had quite a weird conversation."

Maggie's brow furrowed. "A weird conversation?"

Logan nodded. "Mmm mmm. We were talking about you and how he was spoiling you."

At this Maggie scoffed. "Jeez, can't I ever get a break from past Maggie?"

Logan chuckled, but decided to go on with the story. "He talked about how much he loved you and Ben. Even said he knew that one day Ben would marry a great girl and that he'd treasure her and protect her." He laughed. "You know I always suspected that your dad was a little psychic." He was quiet for a moment. "He was worried about you, you know. Said he knew that he wouldn't always be there to look after you." He looked down at her. "So he asked me to take care of you instead."

Maggie's breath caught and her brow furrowed. "But we fought like cats and dogs, every day. We couldn't even stand to be in the same room for five minutes. Why would he ask you?"

Logan chuckled. "That's exactly what I asked him. Of course, he only smiled secretively and evaded my question."

Maggie rolled her eyes. That was just like her dad. Then her eyes went wide. "Wait! Is that why you suddenly became nicer to me when I was fourteen?"

He looked down at her and smiled slyly. "Why did you think I always agreed to give you rides? And why I helped Ben cover up your crimes? And why did you think that jerk that stalked you in your final year of high school finally gave up?"

Maggie sat back, shocked. "And finding me an apartment, helping me to buy furniture? Keeping me company?"

Logan nodded. "Yep. It all started because of the promise I made with your dad." Then he was serious. "I just couldn't understand why he asked me." He cupped her cheek. "Until now. I think he saw something in our behavior towards each other. Something we couldn't. How we gravitated towards each other. I think he somehow knew that we would end up like this. All we needed was a little push. And it obviously worked. I fell for you so hard." He laughed and gently caressed her cheek, his grey eyes light. Then he took her hand. "So, Maggie Turner, my Daisy. Won't you let me keep that promise to your father? Let me take care of you? Let me love you? Forever?"

Maggie couldn't believe it. Even though he was gone, her dad was somehow still looking out for her. She laughed, looking at the only man she could ever love more than her dad. "Yes, Logan. Always and forever."

At hearing this, the biggest smile she had ever seen appeared on his lips. Once again, he pulled her closer. She smiled against his lips. Her heart overflowing. It was good to be home.

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