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By 10am a van had come to collect the teenagers and take them back to Spencer house. Sadiq had apologised to Holly, and she had nodded her head in understanding. This was a confusing situation, emotions were all over the place.

"I trust you all had a good nights sleep?" Their guide asked as she led them through the endless corridors.

A pram had been provided to Ernesto and Holly, and the wheels could be heard as they rolled along the floor.

"Now, for today's interviews, I don't want any more outburst." The guide, Tina, said, looking pointedly at Sadiq. "We're giving up being with our families for this."

The Sparticles were dressed in clean clothes now, the first time they'd received new clothes in longer than they could remember. Their hair was finally freshly washed, and the use of soap had made all the difference. They looked and felt squeaky clean.

"What's today's interviews about?" Serena asked as they were lead outside a room.

Tina smiled at them all. "It's a surprise. A very lovely surprise."

The doors were opened and they were all ushered in, taking their seats. There was only the one camera this time, and they were informed that it was not going out live. They didn't want to take any chances after yesterday. The setting was much more relaxed this time, with sofas arranged in a circle. Holly reached down, tenderly picking up Kimmy so that Ernesto could push the pram into a corner of the room.

"Hello, welcome!" A friendly looking woman walked in, a huge grin plastered on her face, going from ear to ear. She was a rather plump lady, dressed in a maxi dress and her hair in lose curls. "My name is Elouise, you can call me El." She went around, giving everyone a kiss on their cheek, naming them as she went. "Sadiq, Frankie, Reese, Aris, Ernesto, Holly, and of course baby Kimmy." She cooed the last part, before taking her seat in the large armchair. "Now, has anyone mentioned to you about the special surprise we have for you all?"

They all shook their heads in unison. "No one has told us anything." Ernesto confirmed.

"Perfect! Boys," she turned to direct her question at the security guards on the door, "bring them in!"

The group turned around, first confused before realisation set in as five familiar faces walked through the door. It was Kat, Callum, Tia, Jeffrey, and Liam - the rest of the Sparticles who had left the tribe on their own separate missions!

"Hey guys!" Tia exclaimed, running over and wrapping her friends in a hug.

They were stunned into silence for a moment before all getting up, wrapping arms around each other and greeting their lost friends.

"I can't believe you're here!" Frankie said in shock, taking Liam's face in her hand and turning it left to right, as if trying to figure out if it was really him.

El cleared her throat. "We've worked hard to reunite you all, unfortunately we couldn't get ahold of Ami or Jordan. There doesn't seem to be a trace of them in France, and they haven't yet responded to our calls."

The news of his brother caught Jeffrey's attention. "You can't find Jordan? What if he's hurt? Or in danger? Are you still looking."

"He'll be fine, Jeff." Tia reassured him, placing a hand over his and giving it a squeeze. "He's strong, like you."

"What have you all been up to?" Holly asked as they took their seats once more on the sofas.

"Would ask you the same, but I think that's kind of obvious." Callum gave a lighthearted laugh as he gestured to the baby in her arms.

"She's beautiful." Kat complimented from her spot between Holly and Callum. "Though, I must say that of all the people I expected to become parents, you were both bottom of my list!"

"I have to admit, she took us by surprise too." Ernesto admitted as his gaze went down to his young daughter, his face full of love. "I wouldn't have it any other way, though."

"So how about we start from where we left of?" El began, shuffling some notecards in her hands before turning to face Kat and Callum. "If I'm correct, you, Kat, left tribe Sparticle in late 2011 on your own mission?"

Kat smiled, nodding her head in agreement. "That's right, the nuclear power plants were failing. I needed to neutralise them all, or else the planet would have become uninhabitable from the radioactive radiation."

"Wow, that is impressive! We all owe a great deal of thanks to you." El continued. "And after they were neutralised, what did you do?"

"Well, about a month in I ran back into Callum." she took his hand in here, looking up at him, a grin appearing on her face. "He helped me a lot. Drove me around to each of the power plants. It took about 6 months to get through them all."

"It was such a relief when we saw that the radiation levels were going down. It was all down to our clever Kat." Callum added with admiration in his voice.

Kat's cheeks went slightly red with embarrassment, but she carried on. "Shortly after we had completed our mission, we got word of a devastating earthquake which had ravaged through Myanmar."

"We knew we couldn't just sit back whilst there was such devastation over there, so we arranged for a charity mission to help the children over there." Callum continued.

El nodded her head. "We had the same earthquake in our dimension. It was awful"

"It truly was devastating." Kat agreed. "We collected a bounty of supplies and managed to reach the country by boat in early 2013. It was a long journey, especially with the sea being so choppy in winter. But it was worth it. We've been living there ever since, working as missionaries. Helping care for the children over there. Teach them how to fend for themselves, how to grow their own food, the importance of hygiene. It's been so rewarding to put our all into it."

"We didn't even know that the adults were coming back. The first we realised the Sparticles had completed the mission is when we walked into one of the huts and there were five fully grown adults staring back at us! I think I nearly fainted from the shock!" Callum laughed.

"Well, it sounds like you've both done some amazing work over the last few years. It's lovely to hear." El complemented, shuffling her cards again. "Now Tia, Jeffrey, Liam, I've heard you've spent the last few years dedicating yourselves to helping the sick?" She turned to face the trio.

"Yes, we have. Once Queen Kylie came to power 2 years ago, and she had us all captured, we struck a deal to go and work in the hospitals to care for the sick and wounded." Jeffrey began.

Tia smiled at the camera, twirling her hair in her fingers. "We had done some work previously in the hospitals, about the same time Kat left to go and shut down the power plants. It seemed like a natural next step for us all to continue our work there, using all of our skills and knowledge to help those most in need."

Liam continued. "We had to change our identities and move around to different hospitals though. We didn't trust that the Queen wouldn't want to capture us again." Out of all the returning Sparticles, he had changed the most. Now 14, his voice had deepened and he had shot up in height.

El nodded her head in understand. "Ah yes, the 'Evil Teen Queen Kylie.' We've heard about her, how she ran the country with an iron fist. It's a shame she can't be persecuted. As you know, the adults don't remember what happened in the years when they were transported into the future as teenagers. The adult Kylie, Kylie McCormack, has been informed." She confirmed, before turning to face the camera. "Well there we have it. All of the Sparticles, the children who helped save our planet and reunite our dimensions, are reunited themselves. We'll be sure to catch up with this wonderful group. I'm El Archer, and this has been NewsNight."

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