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No one knew quite what to expect when they went to meet with the Prime Minister. Would their family be there? The rest of the Sparticles who had left their tribe along the way? A room full of people congratulating them on successfully aligning the two dimensions?

What they didn't expect was a room full of cameras recording their every move, flashing as pictures were snapped. And standing in the centre of the room was the Prime Minister.

"Ahh, welcome! Sparticles! It's lovely to finally make your acquaintance!" He walked towards them, shaking each of their hands, a bright smile on his face. "Please, come this way, take a seat."

He gestured to an arrangement of sofas set out in a circle. The cameras continued to flash in their faces, much to their discomfort.

"Is there any chance we could do this somewhere more private?" Serena asked.

David shook his head. "You'll get used to them, just block them out." He shuffled some papers in his hands. "Now, to business. I'd like to start by thanking you all for your hard work over the last few years in bringing our dimensions together. Through your efforts, our world are once again one. Families all over the planet are reuniting once more. We have a system set in place to help reunite everyone with their parents - it's called 'Lost and Found.' We will get you all set up on this system, but I can assure you that your families are most likely watching from their TVs at home." He gestured his head towards the cameras.

"So I can see my mum soon?" Reese asked in delight.

"Of course! We also have plans in place to get the rest of your tribe here, we would like to thank them also. I believe there's Kat, Jordan, Jeffrey, Ami, Liam, and Tia."

The tribe looked at each other in excitement. They hadn't seen their friends in years, and they were finally going to be reunited with them!

"Do you know where they all are? Have you been in contact with them?" Holly asked.

"We're in the process of tracking them down. It's not as easy as it would seem. You children, you've all done a remarkable job for surviving as long as you did. But it's ok, now. Things will go back to normal. You won't have to worry about your next meal anymore, or about finding a place to sleep. We'll make sure of that." He reassured him.

Sadiq wasn't having it though. "Hang on a minute. 'Normal'? This is our planet, Mr. We've worked hard on it. We've not only survived, we've flourished. We learnt to live off the land, trade goods for services, make peace with our neighbours and work together. Sure, it wasn't always easy. But it was good. It still is good. Sure, some of us got a bit power hungry," he looked at Fizzy who looked at his lap sheepishly, "but we managed. And if you think we're all just gonna sit back whilst you try and set back all our hard work, well you're wrong." He got up, ready to storm away, but turned back around mid step. "Oh, and Mr Prime Minister. Another thing. In case you haven't noticed, we're not children anymore. You lot and your failed science experiments made sure that we had to grow up quick." He glared at the man before stomping away.

They were all stunned into silence at Sadiq's outburst. The only sound that filled the room was the sound of cameras going off, eager to capture the moment.

Serena looked at her tribe in despair. "I'll go after him." She announced, getting up and running towards the door, shouting his name.

"Well, um, I guess we'll have to come back to this at a later date. If you don't mind posing for one quick press release picture?" David asked, but they knew they would have no choice in the matter.

They all got up and stood each side of him, forcing out smiles whilst instead feeling sick inside. Sadiq had a point, this wasn't how it was meant to go. And as they looked around at their ragged appearances, they realised why the press launch had to be so soon after arriving. The government wanted the world to see just how hard it was for them to look after themselves, and how much the adults were really needed.

They were soon escorted from the room by security guards, but Sadiq and Serena were no where to be seen.

"Where are they?" Fizzy asked, oddly concerned about the rest of the tribe.

"Follow me to the van, we will take you to your temporary housing for the next few weeks." Was all the guard said.

The uneasy feeling left none of their stomachs, not when they arrived outside to the site of flashing cameras as they were bundled into a jeep. Not when they were driving across London to an old Victorian style hotel where they would be staying for the time being. And not when they were reunited with the rest of their tribe, and Kim and Brian.

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