
We had picked little London up and went straight home and mom wouldn't let London out of her sight the moment we walked in "I'm taking London shopping bye" we laughed and went straight into my room and turned on the tv and watch some love and hip hop "soo what you been up to nu-nu" I flop on my bed not interested in that crap she sit far at the edge of my bed I roll my eyes and scoot over and Kay my head on her lap "nothing just working tryna gets mom and YOU and London outta this nasty place" I close my eyes as she plays with my hair "you don't gotta pay for nothing for me nu-nu I can do it by my self" I sigh "fine but you gotta stay with me I don't wanna be 2 inches from my bestfriend ever again" she sighs "okay fine" I hold up my pinky "prrrooomis" she wraps her little pinky around mine "proms now get yo big ass head p I wanna lay down"


I get up and lay next to chance who isn't paying any attention to the t.v and just like we were little he wraps his arm around my waist but this time it was different he lifts me on top of him "how he hell am I supposed to watch my show now" I grumble earning a Shh from chance he grabbed the remote and turned it off I guess its nap time I lay my head on his chest as his heartbeat soothes me to sleep I woke up to his phone ringing for the 13th fucking time I picked it up and answered "who ever the fuck this is call back later when I'm not tryna sleep hoe" and hung up and decided to check who I had cursed out Mimi my blood began to boil "wait till I see this hoe" I muttered as I fell back asleep your probably wondering why I hate Mimi so much


I was kinda a loner for a while after me and chance ended our friendship I was at mc Donald's sitting by the window mimi approached me "aw poor baby since chance dropped you your all alone" she snickered "well don't worry I filled your spot and I want you to stay far the hell away from him" I clenched my fist "I don't want him never wanted him and never will want him okay the only reason he want you is cause you throwing pussy at him like its confetti" I finished my burger and sipped my soda "you disrespecting me you felling froggy leap den" and that's what I did broken that bitches noes busted her lip everything It was blind fury I hit her cause of my mom and my dad and chance and everything there was so much rage that if no one would have stopped it I would have been in juvie "YOU FUCKING BITCH WATCH YOU BACK" she screamed I was just quite I had no clue what happened or how it even stopped just then her crew walked in "OMG DID THAT HOE DO THIS" she nodded and they both came charging I kicked the left hoe broke outta who ever was holding me grasp and fought the right hoe then a girl jumped in and started getting the left hoe that girl is now my bestfriend china but trust me shit wasn't peaches and cream after that

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