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We were sitting on the couch just waiting "nani" she looked at me smiled "yes nu-nu" I smiled back "you are soo beautiful"she blushed and mushed me "shush" I lifted her up on my lap and hugged her "I'm only telling the truth" she laid her head down on my chest "how about we leave and go visit my homies" she nodes and got up stretching "CHINA WE GOT TO GO" and with that we bounced when we finally arrived I dapped everyone and we sat on the couch and this time I made sure no one invited Coreys bummy ass after the blunt was rolled up and passed around just as I took my first pull coreys bum ass pop up "who the fuck invited this nigga" justice giggled "my my my Ms sexy you and chance make up already" I groaned "Corey take ya bumy ass some where before I get amber to beat ya ass again" I looked over at justice "how you know this nigga" she stretched out on the couch and laid her head on my lap "China's sister amber dates him and he know if I tell her he acting out she's gonna whoop his ass actually" she pulled out her phone "amber come over" and she hung up not lest than what 5 minutes she popped in looking pissed "so this iw the supermarket" Corey tensed up "I was just stopping by to say hi" I continued smoking this was a sight to see "the supermarket is on the other side of town" she smacked the shit outta that nigga "I HATE YOUR LYING ASS ITS OVER" it didn't faze Corey at all "alright bye hoe" she clenched her fist "oh and by the way tell your best friend I'm carrying his seed" she smirked "you better be lying on everything amber" she shrugged her shoulders "oops looks like we both lied" she said sarcasticly Corey stormed out pissed as fuck she sat down next to justice "I ain't pregnant so call ya ta-ta's" they started to giggle and everyone basically when back to smoking "I gotta take a piss nani do not I repeat do not put ur lips on that blunt" she rolled her eyes and I left


"Girl why he so controlling " I rolled my eyes "I wish I knew" amber took a few pulls of the blunt "come on try it" I grabbed the blunt and brought it to my face "um now what" I looked at amber "just suck on it" somehow I took a drag of it and quickly passed it on "you know he gonna have a fit" one of his friends said "oh well I'm gro-" just then the bathroom door opened and closed and you could hear his footsteps getting louder just like my heartbeat when he got into the room he sat down plopping right next to me  he looked at me and smiled "you doing good nani" just then the weed started to hit me my eye lids felt heavy and I couldn't stop laughing "ohh shit I'm high as fuck"


I clenched my fist "which one of y'all handed her the blunt" I looked around for answers "chill nu-nu" then my nigga coby spoke "I told her ass not to she said she was grown and amber gave it to her" she shushed him "Nigga I-I thought we was cool and you snitching" I grabbed her by her wrist "let's go nani" I yanked her up and we walked home as we approached the house I started lecturing her "you kno mom is gonna be so dissapointed your a dancer ruining your lungs and shit why didn't you just listen I'm only trying to help you so you don't do what I do in the future you understand" she nodded "I'm so sorry nu-nu I just wanted to just because it was stupid of me" just then my phone buzzed I looked at the screen two messages boss: I need you to pull a shift for me and the other one thotina: hey long time no see I was wondering if you wanna come to my party at 9 a shift would be like what 2 hours and it just turned 6 "nani go home take a nap I gotta go" I kissed her forehead and ran off


Aye its ya girl amber here and I'm finna tell you a few things about myself me and china are twins so I'm the same age as her I have natural curly hair dyed blue and as you see I'm not with that nigga Corey anymore his broke wannabe dope dealer ass I'm the calm one between me and my sister but Im straight I'm not even gonna lie I like to fuck point blank no I'm not a hoe I don't do it with several niggas I fuck who ever I'm with at the time but since I'm single I have no one my sister is too busy fucking mimi to even attempt to spend time with me I'm in the apartment diagonal from her house I'm the girly one compared to china

I was tired of flipping through the same old boring ass channels and I was beyond horny if I didn't fuck something I'd probably die "who can I call" I scrolled down my contacts list and there was no one minus Corey I sighed and hit the call button "hey...Corey yeah I know can we come over and talk" I tried my best to sound sad and frustrated and evidently it worked cause he said he'd come right over I licked my lips and hopped in the shower

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