
I jumped on chance "nu-nu MOM IS HEREEE" I squeezed my arms around his neck "fuck nani I can't breathe" I let go and smacked him "you ruin shit ass much" I heard the click clack of moms heels we looked at each other and dashed to the door but he cheated and tripped me like always I got up and attempted to catch up but it was too late "mommy" chance was a real mommas boy but she was all he knew shit if I only had mom I'd be a mommas girl "MOOOOM" I pushed chance out of the way and gave her a hug causing chance to give me the evil eye "soo how was school" we smiled "GOOOOOD" she whacked us on the head "don't lie to me" we all started laughing "nu-nu nani get my bag and bring them to my room and yal getting up otta my house tomorrow" we chuckled and carried her stuff to her room "nu-nu imma shower" I dashed into his ...our room and when to the bathroom


"Hey mommy how was your trip" she smiled "amazing I can't wait to tell Lana about it" I frowned "ma ....Lana and Joe are not good right now" she frowned and walked next door and knocked "mom please I'm begging you your not ready to see this" she just continued knocking on the door and sptwisted the door knob surprise the door wasn't locked I grabbed her hand "mom pleaseee" she had hurt and fear in her eyes as she opened the door the smell of piss and drugs hit out nose my mom began crying "chance no no not Lana she was the good one" she stepped in and I followed behind her "aye mama can I get 15" I stepped n front of her "no now get the fuck away" the drugie scurried away "ma don't touch nothing and use your scarf to cover your noes "she didn't question me she just did what was said I looked at the counters which were black you could see the crumbs of crack still there just them Lana walked down stairs she was skinny but had a gut "mama L" she looked at me with sorrow in her eyes "your pregnant" she began itching "noo uh no m not just haven been eating healthy and -" my mom walked up to her "Lana your pregnant you need to get clean for the baby now" she started twitching "I will just" just then justices dad came downstairs ever since we were little we knew he hit her mom but they would get over it quickly but I sensed he wasn't happy that we were here "fuck lana why you got people in my house bitch" he raised his hand but I stepped in front of it "you not finna hit a lady on my watch" he pushed me out the way so I just started wilding on him my mom was on the phone talking with someone who I hope was a rehab clerk craaakkk his hands instantly went to his noes "you little bitch" I kicked him in the face "chance get back home now" I dusted myself off and went next door I didn't hear the shower so I went to my room and did our knock "come in nu-nu" she was in sweat pants and her hair was in a messy bun I sat on my bed and pulled her on my lap and looked at her I didn't want  to tell her she smiled "hey chance wassup" she frowned "what happened chance what did you do" I sighed "chance tell me" I hugged her "nani.......... your mom is pregnant" her eyes went wide ".....

My attemp at short chapter :)

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