Chapter 10

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"Boop." I went around the house booping everyone's noses hoping to get a reaction. Francis and Matt didn't really do anything and Oliver booped my nose back. Al just kinda looked at me confused and walked away. It was so boring at the house, so I decided to call someone. I picked up the phone and looked threw the phone book to find a name that was familiar, so I called it.
"Ciao, this is Flavio speaking." Ah, now I know who it is. "Boop." I said smiling. "What?" "Boop" I said again. there was a little bit of silence before he asked "Who is this?" I laughed a little. "Do you remember a bit ago when your brother kidnapped a girl? That was me." I smiled waiting for a reaction. "Your the little demon spawn of fashion crimes!" I heard him yell. I looked down at my clothes that were mostly hand me downs and shrugged. "So, how has your day been?" I said trying to start up the conversation. There was another clip of silence before he answered. "Oh it's been awful! I asked my buddy if I looked good in pink and he shrugged! Not only that but I couldn't find my favorite pair of dress shoes and I'm having a bad hair day!" He sounded in distress. "Oh my, that is quite tragic." I said trying to sound as caring as I could, even though I didn't care at all. "I know right! Ugh my life can be so hard!" "Mhm yeah" I said starting to lose interest and tapping me foot on the ground. "I'm also upset because I didn't even get a valentine on Valentines Day!" I looked at the calendar totally forgetting it was valentines day. "I'm sorry to hear that bro."
Al came to where I was at and kept on asking me who I was talking to which was very annoying, even though I wasn't paying much attention to Flavio. I would say "yeah" and "mhm" every so often to make it seem like I was listening. I started throwing little pieces of paper at Al trying to get him away, but instead he just threw them back and it turned into a paper battle. I put up little books as defense and kept the phone by my ear. The little papers went back and forth and Flavio kept on talking. Before I knew it the battle was over and Al walked away. Flavio said something and I said yeah only to hear "Really!? You will come!?" On the other side of the phone. uh oh.
I paused for a second and got nervous and automatically said "yeah" again. "That's wonderful! It's going to be a fabulous partay! I'll text you the date, time and location okay? But I'll need your phone number." I panicked a little and gave it to him and felt stupid for even making this call in the first place. "Kk see you then!" He said and then hung up. I sighed not really knowing what I got myself into.
I went to my room and sat down looking out the window. A party eh? Maybe it will be fun.

Me and my family (2p! Hetalia fanfiction)Where stories live. Discover now