》chapter six《

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An obsessed boy who owned an orphanage.

You know, in my opinion, it is very unusual to start a dream off by getting chased,
but my dream ended up starting just like that.

A character from the anime "The Promised Neverland" was running next to me as children chase us. The kid's name was Ray, and he was smart.

As we were running, he could tell I was confused so he put me up on details.

"We are currently running away from controlled children who are being controlled by someone who I know is obsessed with you." He tells me looking ahead.

"Why would they be obsessed with me?" I look at him and then behind me.

"Like i'd know that. Anyways let's stop talking and hurry away from them-" He gets interrupted by children tackling him and same goes with me.

I slowly back out hearing Ray's voice in the distance.

"Hey! Wake up! Don't pass out he'll take you...!"

I slowly wake up and notice i'm somewhere different.
I get up and see that I'm in the orphanage from the Promised Neverland.

Walking around, I see my childhood friends (who are siblings) playing video games on a very big TV.

sit with them because they were the only children I knew.

Kids from the orphange that I did not know of soon started to crowd the area and I decided to leave.

When I turned a corner, it was dark. I didn't care and kept walking.

That's when I somehow got into my favorite store,

It was weird.
One moment, I was outside being chased by crazy controlled terrifying children.
Another moment, I woke up in an orphanage full of loud kids.
Then in another moment, I'm at a store.

-But of course, it's a dream.-

I walk around with a basket at hand, trying to figure out what I wanted to get,
but then, my gut feeling told me someone was following me.

Luckily, one of my friend groups came around and invited me to come join them, to which I did.

In every corner we turned, I saw a black clothed person in the corner of my eyes.

I shook off the feeling until they were done with their stuff.


After they finished, they paid for their stuff and waited for me.

After the cashier checked out my stuff, I got my wallet and got the money for it, but then when I looked up, it was a different cashier.

I looked around me and notice the change in the atmosphere.

That's when I realized, I was at the movie theaters.

I pay for the snacks "I got" and left to see my friends "Mani" (from the last chapter) and some other friends I will call, "Daylin", "Jayden", and some others I forgot.

We walked to a split section that seperated the Rated R movies and the PG-13 movies.

To be honest, R-rated movies gross me out so I attempted to go to the PG-13 section, but then my friends tried to drag me to the R-rated movies.

And after 5 minutes of trying, I got out and escaped.

I went inside and noticed no one was there. GREAT!
I chose a middle seat and sat there.
The movie that was playing was Coraline so THAT'S WAS EVEN BETTER!

After a few minutes, someone walked in and stood in front of my seat.
Here was what happened.

"Uhm, sir? Can you move? You're blocking the way and ruining the purpose of me being here." I say trying to see the screen.

The man doesn't move way and continues to block the way.

"Why were you ignoring me?" The man asks me.

"What? I don't know you."

"You saw me at the store. Did you not?"

Then it clicked.
He was the man following me at that store.

"Oh. So you were that creepy man that was at the store following me." I say sighing while still trying to see the screen.

"I am not a man. I am just a boy who is your age. It is just my height that probably makes you assume that I am a man."

The person in front of me takes off the black clothes and.

It was Norman.


"Aha, yes, it was me." He smiles.

I malfuntion for a moment.

"You know, you're cute." Norman tells me as he puts a hand on my cheek.


"I don't like Emma like I like you."

I suddenly black out and like always,

I wake up.

My weird dreams ♤《Dream Journal》♤Where stories live. Discover now