Part 1

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Five teens lurked in a dark classroom, lit only by the burning light of blue flames flying out from underneath a bubbleing caldron. Inside the caldron, bright red apples bobbed along it's surface. A girl with deep blue hair and ruby red lips stired the contents of the caldron with a wooden spoon. Another girl with hair as bright as the fire that came from underneath them, stired the flames that wrapped from her hands down to the floor. Two boys, one with long dark brown hair and the other with longish white hair and black roots, pourd more apples into the caldron as the last girl recied lines from an old spell book she held in her hands.


Wicked ways beneath the skin,

Let all who taste it now join in


We got all the ways to be
We got all the ways to be
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! (Haha)
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Crashing the party guess they lost my invitation
Friendly reminder got my own kind of persuasion


Looks like this place could use a bit of misbehavior
Happily ever after with a little flavor


Bad to the bone with even worse intentions
We're gonna steal the show and leave 'em all defenseless


A fairy tale life can be oh so overrated
So raise your voices and let's get it activated

Long live, havin' some fun
We take what we want
There's so many ways to be wicked
With us, evil lives on the right side of wrong
There's so many ways to be wicked

(Hadley, Mal, Jay, Carlos, Evie)
Apple, apple
Dip, dip
Wanna try it?
Tick, tick
Take a bite
C'mon be bold
Change the way the story's told

This time the dark is finally getting your attention


We're wicked by the book and class is back in session


You like it, steal it, gotta beat 'em to the treasure


A rite of passage
Bad just doesn't get much better!

Long live, havin' some fun
We take what we want
There's so many ways to be wicked
With us, evil lives on the right side of wrong
There's so many ways to be wicked

Mother always knows best

Show her, pass every test

Hear her voice in my head
(Jay and Hadley)

Evil is the only
Real way to win!

We got all the ways to be
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!
Let's go!
We got all the ways to be
Hey! Hey! Hey! Hey!

Long live, havin' some fun
We take what we want
There's so many ways to be wicked
With us, evil lives on, the right side of wrong
There's so many ways to be wicked

6 months

6 amazing months have passed since the core five were brought from the Isle of the Lost to Auradon. The five were praised by many for saving the kingdom after the return of Maleficent, who now resides in a tank in Mal and Evie's room, though some were still skeptical of them. They eventually found their own clubs and activities. After Ben became King, his kingly duties took up most of his time, he had to drop tourney and his position as Captain of the fencing team. He offered the position to Jay, who gladly accepted, but not with out Carlos by his side. Mal was thrust into the world of princess-hood as she and Ben announced their relationship. She didn't have much time to herself any more with all the interviews and press. Evie and Hadley made their own business creating custom dresses together. Hadley also found the art club which she quickly rose to the top in with her excelled drawings.

They'd made even more friends after coronation was over making their group go from five to nine. Lonnie and Jane became close with the girls and Ruby, daughter of Rapunzel and president of the art club, joined them after witnessing Mal's graffiti and Evie's dress making skills. Hadley found herself either in her dorm with Ruby, working on art projects, or in Evie's room, making dresses. Hadley rarely had time to herself, but she was grateful for the distractions. Whenever Hadley was alone and left to herself, her thoughts always drifted to a certain pirate she left behind on the Isle. She cried herself to sleep most nights propped up against her window that gave her a near perfect view of the Isle. She felt guilty for not going back and breaking her promise to return to him. She'd tried multiple times to talk to Ben about possibly bringing Harry over to Auradon, but every time she tried he was whisked away by someone or something more important. Hadley used any free time she had to think of ways to get back to harry, or even bring him here but nothing seemed to work. The others grew concerned for Hadley and tried everything they could to cheer her up, but nothing seemed to stop the guilt that was eating away at her heart.

The first few months were hard for all of them. They had to lay off being evil and learn to be kinder to others and worst of all be good.

For Hadley, Evie and Carlos, this was not a problem as they were naturally nice, though Hadley still played tricks here and there with her shapeshifting, mainly on Carlos, she didn't do it to cause harm anymore. Mal and Jay however, had a lot of trouble adjusting to the change. Jay still tried to pick fights with anyone who made fun of them, but was always held back causing more teasing.

Hadley could see Mal slowly losing her cool day by day after being surrounded nearly non-stop by press and fans.

Hadley took it upon herself to help out her now blonde haired friend. See Hadley may not be the strongest person in Auradon, that title was held for her cousin Hercules, but people are still afraid of fire. More importantly, people are afraid of people on fire.

This is where we find Hadley now, coming to Mal's rescue once more.

A/n: Wow! I can not believe that I am posting the first part to the sequel!!! It feels so long since I started writing this series.  please comment and like for Part 2!!! 

Love Finds A Way (sequel to "See You Again)  {a Harry Hook x Reader story}Where stories live. Discover now