Part 4

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Classes came and went quickly as Hadley now sat in Ruby's room drawing.

"So, you see any boys around here you think are cute yet?" Ruby asked from her bed where she sat brushing her long blonde hair.

Ruby is the daughter of Rapunzel and Eugene Fitzherbert. Like her mother once had, Ruby has extremely long, golden blonde hair. It's so long it leaves the room 10 minutes after she does. She has a bit of a mischievous side that she gladly inherited from her father. She also has her mother's big green eyes, that are always filled with curiosity, amusement and an eye for painting, which is how she and Hadley met.

When Hadley discovered the art classes and club, Ruby instantly took an interest in the new girl and found her powers fascinating. The two quickly became friends and started spending time together. Hadley was very rarely seen in her own room any more as she was always at Evie's making dresses and doing homework, or at Ruby's painting.

"No. The whole preppy prince thing really isn't my type." Hadley laughed as she shared a particular dark part of her drawing.

"Really? Cause I heard Percy Pan has a thing for you." Ruby snickered tossing the brush on her bed.

"That jerk!? No way would I ever even think about him like that." Hadley scoffed.

"Ok then,. What about Chad? He's cute." Ruby continued.

"And he's also a jerk, and a bit of a dimwit too. Besides, he's enamored with Audrey and drools at the slightest mention of her name." Hadley laughed.

" Ok what about Jay? You two seem pretty close." Ruby pointed out.

" Jay is like a brother to me, so is Carlos. So don't ask." Hadley retorted.

" Ok so preppy princes and bad boys, not your type. Got it." Ruby replied.

" No I never said bad boys weren't my type. I just said Jay and Carlos weren't." Hadley pionted her pencil at her before placing the eraser between her teeth.

" Who then?! I'm dying here!" Ruby exclaimed bouncing on the bed.

Hadley let out a long breath, thinking about Harry nearly always made her cry. The guilt she felt on a daily basis ate at her heart like ants on a old apple.

" He used to be my best friend on the Isle. He was definitely a bad boy but with a very large heart, and come to think of it an equally large ego." Hadley let out a watery laugh as tears welled in her eyes. " He's been my best friend since I was six, I met him the first day I was brought to the Isle. He found me crying in an alley alone and scared. He took me back to his house and we just stuck together from then on. Then I met Evie, Mal, Jay and Carlos; but he still remained my best friend. We did everything together. We looted, we raied, we pulled pranks. He was my everything. Now I doubt he'll ever talk to me again." As she talked, tears dripped from her red cheeks on to her half finished drawing.

"What's his name?" Ruby asked as she watched her friend wipe the tears saying her cheeks away.

" Harry Hook." Hadley sniffled.

" Capitan Hook son?"

Hadley nodded her head and let out another breath.

" Is that why you wear that hook? Because he gave it to you?" Ruby went and sat by Hadley, close enough to place an arm around her.

" Yeah." He fiddled with the charm on her necklace. "He gave it to me the day before I left. And I haven't taken it off since, I promised him that I'd come back for him and I haven't. I know he's probably really mad at me and wants nothing to do with me now, but that still doesn't stop how I still feel about him." Hadley leaned into Ruby's side hug as she rubbed her arm.

"And what's that?"

"He's the only person I've ever loved."

Before Ruby could respond,there was knock on Ruby's dorm door.

"Come in!" Ruby yelled.

The door opened fast nearly knocking off it hinges as Evei rushed into the room.

Hadley stood up as Evie stopped in front of her.

" We have a big problem." Evie handed Hadley the peice of paper she was carrying

Hadley took it ,reading it carefully as her eyes slowly began to widen towards the bottom of the page.

" Mal's gone back to the Isle?!" Hadley gasped looking up at Evie.

Evie nodded her head sadly. Hadley placed a hand over her mouth as Ruby took the paper from her hand and read it for herself.

" So what does this mean? What do we do? Do we go get her? Have you told Ben yet?" Hadley asked pacing.

" not yet. I rushed over here first to get you, we need to go tell him. Maybe he'll know why she left."

"Good idea let's go!" Hadley nodded as she rushed to collect her things from Ruby's floor.

The three rushed towards Ben's office, dodging people in their way.

When the reached it Evie knocked lightly, but hurriedly.

"Come in" his voice sounded through the wood door.

When the door open Ben stood up as the three girls walked in to the large space.

"Evie, Hadley, Ruby come on in."

"Mal's gone back to the isle." Evie breathed.

The smile dropped from Ben's face as evies news sunk in.

She walked across the carpeted floor and handed him the note he also placed his gold ring in his palm, the one he gave to Mal.

As he read the note his shoulders sunk.

"This is my fault. This is my fault, I blew it. She'd been under so much pressure lately and instead of being understanding, I just went all beast on her." He slammed his fists on the desk. " I have to go there and apologize. I have to go there and beg her to come back." he rambled

"Ben you'll never find her. You have to know the isle and how it works, and... you have to take us with you" Hadley stepped forward.

" Yes. Uh...Are you sure?" Ben asked.

"Yeah. She's our best friend" Hadley sighed.

" And well being the boys too cause we're strength in numbers and none of us is too popular over there right now." Evie added. " But let's get two things straight. You have to promise us that we won't get stuck there again."

"I promise." Ben whispered.

Hadley looked at Evie who nodded.

" And there is no way you're going dressed like that." Hadley said seriously.

Ben nodded his head and went to follow the two out.

" I want to go with you." Ruby spoke up.

Evie and Hadley looked at each other.

" Are you sure Ruby. I mean the isle... it's not a good place. We will be risking ourselves just to go and we know the place." Hadley said.

" I want to. I've always wondered what it would be like to see it from the inside. And I can handle myself, my dad used to be a thief you know." Ruby stated.

Hadley looked to Evie who shrugged her shoulders.

" Okay but stay close to me and there is no way.. you are going dressed like a princess." Ruby squealed as she threw an arm around Hadley and they lead the way to Jay and Carlos.

Disclaimer: The Picture up top was drawn by ( Wattpad: @rose_sparrow17 )   (Tumblr: @descendantofthesparrow)  go check out her work she is an amazing artist and writer!!!! 

Hey guys sorry i dint post this last night.. Kinda forgot what day it was... oops. Anyway.. Here is part 4, please like and coment for part 5.

Love Finds A Way (sequel to "See You Again)  {a Harry Hook x Reader story}Where stories live. Discover now