Part 2

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 Hadley and Evie walked through the courtyard on a Thursday afternoon during their free period, looking for a particular blonde haired girl who was late for her dress fittings. As they rounded the corner in front of the castle known as Auradon Prep, she heard commotion by the large beast statue in the center walkway. Looking over she saw Mal surrounded by people, pressing microphones and tape recorders in her face. Hadley rushed over dodging people and bushes as quickly as her heels would let her. She made it over just as Ben stepped in. Hadley lit up like a campfire and stepped in front of Mal. The reporters jumped back, some running in fear at the giant walking ball of blue flames standing in front of them.

" I suggest you get those this get those microphones out of here before they end up up your noses!" Hadley snapped stepping forward a step. The reporters gasped and ran away. Hadley quickly doused the fire and stepped away so the couple could have a little time to themselves.

Evie had other plans as she walked up and grabbed Mal's arm.

"If we don't do a fitting for your gown right this minute you'll be dancing in your bathrobe okay?" She glanced at Ben and smiled. " Hi. Let's go. Let's go!"

Mal waved to Ben as Hadley and Evie pulled her back to their room.

Evie and Mal propped up on a pedestal as she fixed measurements to Mal's Cotillion dress. The big poofy yellow tulle and silk gown nearly swallowed Mal. Hand sewn intricate royal blue details laced the end of the silk and all along the bodice.

"Ok Evie I cannot breathe." Mal grunted as Evie zipped up the back of the dress.

Hadley snickered from her seat at the desk where she was working on Mal's shoes.

"You can breathe after cotillion." Hadley placed the matching blue and yellow heel down on the desk and walked over to stand in front of Mal just as Evie walked around her.

" Yeah I seriously doubt that." Mal sighed, pushing a stray strand of hair from her face.

" I have at least 20 more directly behind it. And I can't even remember what a single one of them is."

Once Evie fluffed the tulle skirt she stepped back and linked arms with Hadley.


"It's perfect!"

They high fives as Mal looked off.

"Evie? Hadley?" Mal called.


" Do you ever think about what we'd be doing if we were back on the Isle right now?" Mal questioned.

" Ha that's funny." Evie chuckled.

Before Mal could say anything else the TV placed on their mantle began playing music.

"Ah! Look who's on TV!" Hadley sang as she helped Mal off the pedestal.

Mal sat down on Evie's bed in a mess of yellow tulle.

The TV went on about Mal and Ben's tour of the kingdom.

Hadley and Evie were busy sketching more designs for gowns and didn't hear Mal gasp.

When they turned around Mal was on the other side of the bed with her spell book and a text book, obviously having spelled herself to speed read.

Evie placed her hands on her hips as she spoke up.

" I know Mal's secrets of fitting in and Ben wouldn't like it one bit."

Mal just glanced at her.

" Haven't you already had enough secrets between the two of you?" Hadley asked sitting down beside her.

Love Finds A Way (sequel to "See You Again)  {a Harry Hook x Reader story}Where stories live. Discover now