Part 9

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"I... I..."

"You what?"

Harry stepped closer, the movement making Hadley look up from the hook. Their eyes met, Hadley could see the emotions swimming through his ocean blue eyes.

She let out a deep breath she didn't know she was holding.

"I love you..."

Part 9

Harry's crystal blue eyes widened ,enhanced by the thick line of eyeliner around them, his shoulders slumped, his jaw slacked a little.

Hadley saw the other vks close to the pipe and had to act fast.

"I'm sorry"

Harry snapped out of it just as Hadley dropped the hook over the railing and into the water.

Harry rushed past her not saying anything as she ran past to join the others.

A few tears prickled in her eyes as she fought more pirates.

Hadley helped Ruby fight off two pirates as Jay and Lonnie ran through the pipe.

They backed closer to it.

Hadley watched as Harry fought Ben, dripping wet. There was a rage in his eyes that Hadley never saw before. She snapped out of her staring when Evie pulled her back.

"Carlos! Smoke bomb!"

Carlos tossed the smoke bomb to Evie and she held it up.

Purple smoke billowed out from the broken bomb, covering them to escape.

"Ben go!"

Evie, Ruby and Ben went through the pipe.

Hadley and Mal made it over the bridge, stopping at the opening.

Together they kicked the bridge off the docks and into the waters below.

Mal smirked at Uma and turned away going through the tunnel.

Hadley lingered a few moments longer looking at Harry.

He was looking straight back, his blue eyes sad. He almost looked like he wanted to say something.

"i'm sorry"

Hadley turned and ran through the tunnel, throwing her sword in the trunk of the limo and climbing in.

When she settled in her seat a silent tear slipped down her cheek.

The way back was silent, no one said anything aside from Dude saying things he shouldn't.

When they got back all Hadley wanted to do was sit in her room and cry.

Ruby ran off to the dorms as soon as her feet hit Auradon soil.

Evie pulled her and Mal away walking towards the dorms.

"We need to talk"

Hadley nodded, another tear dripping down her cheek.

"No." Carlos stepped forward making the girls turn around.


"You guys are always going off in a huddle, whispering your girl-talk or whatever. And Jay and I are tired of it."

Jay looked at Carlos wide eyes before holding his hands up.

"I'm not." He shrugged.

"We're your family, too." Carlos continued "We've been through a lot. Together. I'm not stopping that now. Okay?" Mal and Hadley shook their heads.

Love Finds A Way (sequel to "See You Again)  {a Harry Hook x Reader story}Where stories live. Discover now