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Hadley and Harry walked through a quiet Auradon. The full moon hung low in the sky and the stars twinkled in the cloudless sky. For almost an hour Harry laid on his back in the middle of an open field and looked up at them.

Hadley took him to all of her favorite spots. They splashed along the edge of the enchanted lake and chased fireflies through the trees. She also showed him the piece of land and property that her and Evie were looking at to expand their work. Harry filled her in on what happened on the Isle after she left and vice versa.

Now they walked hand in hand along the beach, the tide lapping at their bare feet, Hadley having ditched her heels long ago. The outline of the yacht far in the distance. Although not like it mattered, the party had long ended seeing as dawn was just about to break. They stopped and watched the horizon as the sun made its way up and over the ocean waves. Hadley laid her head on Harry's shoulder and yawned.

"Tired, love? " Harry asked as he wrapped an arm around her.

"Of this view? Never" Hadley smiled.

Harry chuckled and lightly kissed the side of her head.

Watching the sun rise higher their smiles dropped knowing what was soon to come. As if by que Hadleys phone vibrated. She pulled it out of the pocket of her dress (Evie is a genius and puts (working) pockets in everything), sighing at the text that flashed across the screen.

It was from Ben telling her to meet the guards at the school in 20 minutes. Harry frowned knowing he had to go.

They reluctantly started the long walk back to the school.

Once back Hadley stared at the limo before turning to Harry and hugging him tightly. Harry lifted her chin and gently kissed her, using his thumb to wipe the tears that slid down her cheeks.

"Ill be back before you know it. Then you'll really never get rid of me." Harry chuckled sadly.

Hadley let out a small breath in the form of a laugh.

"I love you har" she whispered.

Harry leaned down and rested his forehead on her.

"And I love you. For as long as you'll have me." Harry plucked one of the rings from his fingers and slipped onto Hadleys right hand ring finger.


"Nope. It's a promise. I hear they're quite common over here" he joked.

Hadley smiled and stood on her toes, kissing him again.

Then broke apart when a guard stepped forward and opened the door.

"I guess this is goodbye then?" Hadley muttered.

Harry smiled.

"Not exactly, it's .... See you later."

Hadley smiled sadly knowing shed said those same words to him just six months earlier.

He kissed her cheek and looked at the guard who nodded his head towards the door.

Harry nodded letting go of Hadley's hands and stepping into the limo.

Hadley stepped back as it pulled away.

She stood there and waved until it disappeared from site.

Slowly she made her way back to the dorms. However she wasn't sad, I mean she was but who wouldn't be. No, she was happy. She replayed the night over and over humming lightly to herself as she walked through the silent hallways.

As she reached for the handle of her door, she opened it and turned around.

Smiling at the ones reading...

"You didn't think this was the end of the story.. did you?" She giggled as she shut the door.

I cant believe the sequel is finished it feels like forever since i started writing it... For those of you wondering, yes I am currently working on the third instalment, however its taking some time. So it will be a while before i post anything like this again :( I will try to update as I get closer to finishing it.

Love Finds A Way (sequel to "See You Again)  {a Harry Hook x Reader story}Where stories live. Discover now