Chapter 22

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A/N - To all those who ask for updates. Stop it. It dose not modivated me to update, or even write. Maybe try positive encouragement, not begging, which I get so often it now seems like demands. If I didn't have this chapter just sitting in my drafts you would get nothing. If I get asked to update 10 more times on this story, I will be deleting it. Be greatful for what you get. If I seem like a bitch for doing this, I started this story years ago when I was in a different place in life, so don't really ant to write it. (If you want to DM me).

Saddly I was getting used to life in the palace. Not that I liked it, but I was used to it. One day the hand maids disappeared just as how they arrived, suddenly and without warning. I didn't feel obligated to dress like the princess everyone though I was going to become I was back to wearing my hand embroidered skirts with trousers underneath. While I stood out in the palace, no one dared to say a thing to the possible future queen.

That was another thing. I needed to talk to Izana about that. First I need to find it in me to talk to Izana. Words were harder for me to find now. The onky one I could talk to normally once again was my sister, if we were alone.

Commonly though, you'll find me by her side. I was helping her puck herbs, a prepare the her gardens for winter. While I couldn't help her with the actual herbology part, I could help her with plant care. "I doubt I'll be able to get out to ride as much once there's snow," I told my sister. Really the onky thing to note in my life currently was my common rides in the royal forest. I'd love to go beyond the walls, but I doubt if come back. If get too excited, I'd leave my life behind again.

" Don't you usually avoid cold weather?" Shirayuki questioned.

I nodded, making sure the tarp I put down was secure. "I get a lot worse in cold weather, but I can't really avoid it this year," I resigned to my fate. My health would always take dip in the winter months. Usually I'd ride off to a land down south and forget winter is even a season. I just follow where the flowers bloom.

" You could get better medication here, I'm sure any of the herbalist would be hapoy to help," Yuki pointed out.

I scoffed, and crossed my arms, leaning up against a tree. "Because I am me, or cause everyone think I'm going to be the future queen?" I questioned.

"Have you not talked to Izana about that yet?" Shirayuki questioned, obviously disappointed.

I slid down the tree to curl in in myself. "I haven't even talked to him Yuki," I confessed.  "I'm still shaken up about what happened. I may be normal around you but up until two days ago I couldn't bring myself to speak to anyone but you..."

"I saw the look on their faces too," Yuki sighed, reminding me she was aware in how me speaking was a newer development. "But if you aren't going to run away again, you need to solve your problems."

"I don't don't want to run away from my problems," I sighed quietly, "I don't want to leave you again. Last time I did a prince tried to do to you something horrible."

"You need to get used to talking to people again," Shirayuki sighed, "I know it's hard but the longer you out it off the harder it will be."

"Practice on us," Mitsuhide offered. With him was Kiki, Obi, and the younger prince. My sister and I were caught up in our conversation and didn't notice the four walk up.

I instinctively clenched my mouth shut. I was now more terrified to talk, then before when I felt no reason to. "You haven't had a problem voicing your thoughts before," Obi commented skidding down to sit next to me. Yuki and I shared a look. There was a point in my life where I said nothing but niceties and demands of manners.

"How about you tell us a story?" Zen offered, knowing my love of story telling.

I gripped onto my skirt, trying to find words of protest, which wouldn't damage our relationship.

"Oooh," Mitsuhide sang, "One of Akarozu's mysterious tales."

"I-I.... I d-don't kn-now," I stuttered out. What words I could get out, it was rare for them to be clear, unless I truly wanted to say it and wasn't forcing myself.

I glanced to my sister, begging for her help. "How about, something that actually happened, Rozu is self conscienous of those she's created,"she offered, knowing myself better than I realize at times.

" What kind of stories do you have to tell?" Obi questioned," You grew up in the woods, didn't you? "

I shrugged," I used to be for hire guard, "I said quietly.

" A mercenary!? " Mitsuhibe asked in surprise and a bit of fear.

I quickly shook my head. "I escorted merchant's, and stuff like that," I explained quickly. "I was never hired to kill someone."

"You just chose to," Yuki scolded me.

I scoffed knowing the arguement we never have but sometimes start. "They deserved it," I reminded my sister.

"Can we have that story?" Obi questioned, piqued by the topic at hand.

I shook my head. I didn't want to share so thing controversial. I knew I had blood on my hands, and I lived every day with that knowledge and guilt.

"What about your strangest escort mission?" Zen asked, steering away from the gray area topic.

"Wait, weren't you part of that pirate trop, what about that?" Mitsuhide questioned

" How about you tell us how you met Prince Izana? " Kiki offered. They all turned to look at her.

"Yea, how did you guys meet, gotta be something grand for you two to be engaged," Mitsuhide commented.

"I didn't agree," I voiced the truth for the first time beyond just the company of my sister. "It was a strange meeting, to say the least."

Shirayuki let out a soft gasp. "Are you finally gonna tell it."

"You don't even know, Shirayuki?" Obi asked in nonbelief. They knew how close the two of us are, and expected us to know everything that had happened to the other.

Yuki sighed. "You think she tells me everything?" she asked them, "We onky tell each other what we're comfortable with."

"We just assumed, you two are close after all," Mitsuhide pointed out.

"Hey, let her tell the story," Zen dished his friends, obviously interested in a story about his brother beyond the castle walls.

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