Chapter 13

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Yuki had came to pay me a visit. Probably because I hadn't come to bother her in well over a week. "Rozu, open up," a knock came to my door, "It's me." I recognized the voice instantly. It was my dear little sister. I rushed to the door letting her in, only to bolt it closed once again.

I hugged her tight, so glad to see her. "No one followed you right?" I asked, scared Izana was trying to get to me. "No, it's fine, no one followed you I'm sure," I assured myself. "I made some stew of you want some?"I went over and stired the warm meal.

" I'm alright, "she refused, sitting down on my bed. I grabbed my own bowl and went over to the sole window, peaking through the blinds. There was no one suspicious. "Rozu," Yuki sighed, "Are you alright?" She truly seemed worried.

I sat down next to her, practically throwing all my weight into the bed. "I'm perfectly fine," I assured her with taking a sip of the broth.

I could feel the disapproving gaze, even though I couldn't see it. "This place is more of a mess than the first time I was here," she pointed out. Great, here comes a list. I just sighed and slunk against the wall. "You're hair is covered not only in it, but grime. You're wearing pants and baggy shirts. The blinds are closed, which is killing your plants, so they've haveto have been closed for a while. Then I went to your work before here, to learn you've been doing the morning duties only to disappear after doing so. Finally, I haven't seen you since the ball! You'd visit me everyday, now never! Akarozu, something isn't right. "

I say down my half empty bowl, and pulled my knees into my chest. She was right, but there was nothing I could do. I was paranoid. I couldn't tell who was against me anymore. Anyone would be willing to help the crown prince. I didn't even know if my bosses were on my side anymore. I was really just surviving, and terribly at that. "I'm scared Yuki," I confessed. I tried to be strong for her, but we both knew I wasn't a stone statue.

With my confession out, my tears started flowing. Shira Yuki said nothing but skootched over to give me a hug. One of which I was grateful for. It felt so good to let it out. All the tears I was holding in were no longer piling up. "Is it Prince Izana?" she asked as my tears started to subside.

I nodded my head, unable to find words. "Can you tell me what happened?" she questioned. "I know you danced with him at the ball, but nothing else."

I bit my lip and hugged myself tighter. "He's the one," I choked out through silent sobs, "The one I met. The guy I like."

My sister was silent, staring down to the groundzas I watched and waited for any response. "So, you know he's not like other nobles," she tried putting a positive spin on it.

"You don't get it," I cried out, "He's crewl and manipulative, just to get what he wants. He treated me terribly until he learned he could gain something from me. Now he says he's gonna make me love him. He's just like the rest! And I don't know what he's gonna do."

I threw my head into my knees, trying to muffle the sobs. I already got enough complaints from my neighbors for all the crying. "Rozu," Shirayuki cried, hugging me.

"I don't know what to do," I told her, not sure if she could hear me through the tears. "I don't feel safe here, but I don't know where I would feel safe. Is it too much to ask to be happy."

My sister just sat there and comforted me while I cried. While I was the one protecting her, she stood by me, always making sure I wouldn't fall apart. "I have an idea..." she said quietly.

She proceeded to tell me of the home outside of the city in the woods. The one only her and the Zen crew new of. I could just live out there and grow my own food. They could visit from time to time. I could come and go without being notice. It seemed perfect. "It seems too perfect," I told her.

"I'm sure there are plenty of flaws we have yet to think of," she assured me, "So let's move you before we do." She stood up from my bed, appearing to be determined to do something.

"Right now?" I questioned, surprised by her rush.

She gave me a smile and shook her head slightly. "No," she laughed, "After stew." She picked up my bowl and refilled it, as well as getting one of her own.

She sat down in bed next to me and we ate in silence. That was until I started slurping. "Stop it," Yuki complained. I smirked and slurped louder. "I hate you," she whined.

"You love me," I teased her, giving her a wide smile.

She glared at me. "You can't prove that. We're sisters, we're forced to be nice to each other."

"Whatever," I laughed, remember of all the useless fights  we had growing up. They were so serious to us back then, but now they seem nothing but faint jokes from the past.

I could only assume Yuki was thinking of the same things, with the nastolgic smile on her face. "Happy Birthday Rozu." she lightly mumbled.

"25 year now..." I sighed, "I would be amazed to know the bed to adventure ratio."

"One things for sure your life has been diverse," Yuki mumbled in agreement, "But I hope one day you won't even remeber the time before you adventures."

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