Chapter 54

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After driving home from the grocery store I put my medicine in my medicine cabinet in the bathroom. .then I cleaned around the house a bit and made a snack.I just made a ice Cream sundae with Vanilla and Chocolate ice cream , chocolate syrup, unsalted nuts, and cherries. I ate watched netflix, then cried for multiple reasons, and finally I started looking at nursery decorations and furniture .We had 3 more bedrooms in the house empty so I thought I about which one I would want my baby's to be.I wondered what the sex of my baby would be????? A girl or boy.I walked back to my bed and layed there .Until I heard Taylor's voice.

Taylor : Hey bae *Kisses my forehead and then my stomach* how was your appointment?

Me : I'm 10 weeks *faked smiled*

Taylor : Look baby I know your fustrated , but I'm going to be right by your side through everything

Me: Oh really so why weren't opening the door for me at the parking lot and kissing my forehead and at the doctors appointment I semi yelled *Tears began falling*

Taylor:*Confused* What are you talking about?

Me:Just leave me alone Okay

Taylor:*Rubs my stomach, then kisses it*No matter what Rayn Drop I'm always here.

  Taylor took a shower then came back and layed on the bed with me.

Me : Do you love me Taylor?

Taylor : To the moon and back baby

Me:* Sighs *

Taylor:Rayn I'm going to marry you, get us a big house in Florida, and we're going to live happily ever after

Me:*Giggles* Okay if you say so.

   Taylor massaged my feet then took a picture of my tummy and put it on his instagram. He got 200 likes and 40 comments.

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