I decided to look for more persons. A while ago, I asked Sayaka how many persons i didn't met. I said everyone i already met untill now, and she answered that i only need to find 2 other persons.
I decided to look on the 3th floor in the school building.
I arrived, and i saw someone. It was... Himiko.
She was sitting on the floor. And...in her hand, she held a necklace.
I didn't reconized it.
There was a bloodstain on the back of it.. Then i remembered.
It was Tenko's necklace.
She always wore a purple necklace with a small, iron pendant.
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(Here's ur proof UwU)
I felt bad. I felt bad for her.
Then she spoke. "T-Tenko...i-i miss you...."
But then...
Someone walked to her. ...
It was Tenko.
She didn't noticed me yet.
She sat down next to her, while tears rolled down her face.
I think they sat there, for 15 minutes.
Then Himiko leaved.
Tenko was still on the ground. I decided to go to her.
"Uh...T-Tenko? Are you o-okay?" I stuttered. Why did i stutter so much since i died?
She looked at me. "Leave me alone, degenerate male."
I didn't leaved.
"Tenko...i realy wanna help you. Im not like i was used to be. I'm myself now. The act is over. I wanna help you..."
I noticed that my eyes were wet again.
"K-Kokichi...i-i just wanna be with Himiko again..."
I cried. I understood. But...
"Tenko..maybe there's a way..."
She looked at me. "R-realy?" I nodded. "Me and Shuichi..whe can see each other. I dont know how, but we can try."
She hugged me. "Thanks Kokichi."
We ran to Himiko's dorm.
She was there.
I spoke. "Okay. Now touch her shoulder, untill she notices."
Tenko did what i said.
First touch. Nothing. Second touch. Nothing.
After 5 times, she still didn't felt something.
Tenko paniced. "I-its not working-"
She cried. A tear fell on Himiko's shoulder.
"Wh-what?" Himiko looked at the sealing. She felt the tear.
Tenko held her breath. She touched her again.
Himiko looked at Tenko.
She rubbed her eyes, and then she looked back.
"T-Tenko?" Tenko smiled. "Hi Himiko."
Himiko cried. Tenko cried too.
They tried to hug, but Himiko's hands dissapeared in Tenko.
I cried too.
They finally were back together.
I leaved the dormitory. I wanted to go to Shuichi.
Shuichi was not alone. There was someone next to him.
It was the last person...
A guy, who looked a bit like Hajime, but with longer hair, and he was shorter than Hajime.
He looked at me, and smiled. "I'm Makoto Naegi. Nice to meet you, Kokichi."
Wait..how did he knew my name?
"I know all of you. I'm, y'know, the "main character" of Danganronpa, if you can say it like that."
He smiled.
I looked at him. "You..you're Makoto Naegi? The ultimate lucky student/hope?"
I remembered him. I dont know from where...
I think from the past.
From before the game...
I cried again.
I wanna go home.
I just wanna go back.
But i cant.
Why cant i just...
"Hey Kokichi! I didn't knew you were here!" Shuichi said and he smiled.
Makoto's eyes widened.
"Y-you guys can see each other?! B-but that's.. did you guys used the Tear-magic?" I was confused, but i nodded. We cried, and then something happened. The same happened by Tenko and Himiko.
Makoto paniced.
We did something wrong. It was my fault.
"Kokichi? What's happening?" Shuichi asked. He was confused too...
It's all my fault.
It's all my fault... Like always.. Always.
Okay it's Stick here again^^ Well, i guess we'll have some Tenko and Himiko too heh.
Btw, im not sure if this story will have a good end. Im still guessing.