chapter 6

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We talked for a while.

He understood.

He understood why i died, what i wanted.

Then i realized that Kaito...

He needed to make the choice too.

I asked Shuichi if he wanted to stay, and he nodded yes.

I ran to the trial grounds. And there i saw Sayaka. And Nagito.

I didn't saw Kaito, but when i came closer..
Kaito appeared.

And Nagito's hand was on his head.

He made the choice.

He stayed.

After Sayaka and Nagito leaved, i ran to Kaito.

"Hey Kaito!" I tried to smile.

"Oh...hey Kokichi." He waved.

He looked.. sad.
Was it because he died?

Was it...because he missed Maki?


"Im sorry that your plan didn't worked Kokichi. I tried."
Kaito looked at the floor.

"It's okay Kaito."
I gave him a little punch on his back.

"Well, are there many of us, here? "
Kaito changed the subject.
It didn't realy bother me, so i just answered.

"I didn't found everyone yet, but Gonta, Kaede and Rantaro are here. And a bunch of other people."

Kaito looked at me. "Are you lying?"
I answered.
"Kaito, im not lying. I swear."

He nodded. "Okay. I wanna see everyone."

We walked outside.

And then, we saw Gonta, Rantaro, and we saw another person.

It was a girl, with cute green clothes.

"Kokichi! Kaito!" Rantaro waved.

Kaito ran to them.
"Hey there! It's nice to see you again!"
Kaito smiled, like he always did.

The little girl started talking.
"Nice to meet you all. I'm Chihiro Fujisaki. I was a victim in the first killing game."
She smiled.

I smiled back.
"Hello Chihiro! I'm Kokichi Ouma."

She gave me a hand. I shaked it gently.

Gonta smiled.
"Gonta happy when friends are smiling! Gonta verry happy!"

Kaito gave Gonta a little punch on his back.
"It's good to see you again, bro."

I smiled. Everyone smiled.

I totally forgot the chaos.

And i forgot Shuichi.

I looked around.

Uh oh...
Shuichi came our way...

But he can't see the others!

He thought i was alone!

I didn't had the chance to run away.


He screamed.

Everyone looked.


Kaito stepped to him.

"Kokichi...the living ones can see us?"

I shaked my head.
"No...i don't know what happened..but we can see each other."

Chihiro's eyes widened.

Shuichi looked at me.
"Kokichi, wh-"

"Shuichi, we're not alone."

His eyes widened.

"Gonta, Kaito and Chihiro."

Shuichi's eyes became wet again.

"G-Gonta and Kaito..are here?"

I nodded.
"Chihiro too. She's a victim from the first killing game."

"Well..actually, im a boy..but it doesn't realy bothers me." Chihiro said.
I looked at her, and i smiled.

But then i noticed Shuichi.
He was..shocked.

Then i noticed that i said too much.

"" Shuichi stuttered.

His eyes widened again.

I think he finally knew what was going on.

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