chapter 9

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This was it.
Tsumugi will be defeated.
We'll end the killing game.

I noticed that Sayaka was next to me. She was crying.

She was the first victim after all.
I looked behind me. Everyone was there.
I ran to Gonta, and i hugged him.
I cried.
The tears i shed, were from happiness.

Finally.. this hell will end.

*another time skip*

Kiibo nodded to everyone.
Everyone will die now.

I watched with tears in my eyes.
Tsumugi was crushed with a big rock, together with Monokuma.

I...felt bad for her. She gave her life to Danganronpa..and now, all her work was for nothing.
But the killing game is over now.

I watched how kiibo blew up the cage of glass. A bright, white light appeared, and i closed my eyes. was all over.

Everyone was dead.

But then...

"Someone! Help me out!"

Was that...Himiko? Did she survived?

"Himiko! Let me help you!"

It was Shuichi.
He was still alive...

Then i saw them.
Himiko, Shuichi and Maki.
They were alive.. they didn't died.

Maybe the outside world wanted this to happen...maybe.

I ran to Shuichi.
But then...

Shuichi collapsed on his knees.

I saw blood dripping out of his mouth.

Was he injured?!

But then i remembered.

It was the 7th day.
He was dying.

I ran to Shuichi.
" please no!! Dont die!! This is all my fault!!" I cried. Everyone heared me, but Maki and Himiko didn't.

"SHUICHI!!" Himiko and Maki tried to help him.

But they were too late.

Shuichi stopped breathing.

I cried.
Himiko and Maki also cried.

Everyone cried.

But then..

~Shuichi pov~

I opened my eyes.
What happened?
I looked up, and i saw Maki and Himiko crying.
"Guys...what happ-" I looked at someone next to me.

It was me.
My body.

"Huh?! Wha-" I panicked, and i lookef at my hands.

"Wha- what?!"

But then, i felt a hand on my shoulder.

It was Kokichi.
My beloved Panta king.

"Kokichi...what happened to me?!"
I felt tears in my eyes.

"It was the tear magic we used. Y'know, what i used so you were able to see me.
There was an effect...that you were gonna die a week after we used the tear magic." Kokichi explained.

I couldn't believe it. Im...dead?

Then i saw people behind Kokichi.
There were persons i never saw before, but then i saw Gonta, Rantaro, Kaede, Kaito..

I cried.
"Y-you guys..." I fell into Kokichi's arms and i cried. Everyone came to me, and we all hugged each other.

"Danganronpa is over. Now we all can go to the afterlife."

A white portal appeared next to a girl with long, blue hair.

Me and Kokichi held hands.

I looked at Himiko and Maki for the last time...and i stepped trought the portal.

Now we can live in peace, together.

Hey guys! It's me again ;)
I finally finished the story! I hope y'all liked it!
Thanks for reading this story!!

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 12, 2021 ⏰

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