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⚠️read at your own risk~⚠️

It wasn't scary like it is in the movies. I don't even remember it to be honest. I was walking home from a blind date that went horrible. I dropped my chapstick on the floor and followed it into a sus alley way. Saw some woman naked and covered in blood. Saw another figure standing over the naked dead woman. The man saw me.Knocked me out then I woke up in an attic. I'm not tied or hurt. The attic is locked. There's no window and I haven't eaten for what I think is two days.


What the hell was that?!

Atsumu Miya looked at the locked attic door because that's where he believed the creaking sound was coming from. His heart pounded loudly in his throat and ears. Another creak. It's the steps, someone is coming up the stairs?!


Atsumu voice was almost caught into his throat along with his heart beat. His voice was hoarse and dry. He hasn't drank any  water within these few days. His breathing became unsteady as the creaking came closer He could hear the door being unlocked and then the door knob turning. Everything was happening so slowly, this is probably the scariest part of this whole trip. The door flung open as the world finally makes its way back up to regular speed.
This handsome, gorgeous man with glossy black hair, onyx orbs and two cute birthmarks resting neatly on his face, had entered the dim dark room.

The room was silent for a while, a long while. This mystery man looked at Atsumu displeased.

"I'll break your fucking spine if you even think about pulling some bull crap."

Shivers sent furiously down Atsumu spine as his words echoed through the dull lifeless room.

"Who ar-"
"Don't speak to me, whore." Sakusa cuts him off his tone very angry and assertive. He inched closer to Atsumu not caring that the attic door was open or not.
He knew very well this fake blond was weak and could barley stand without getting dizzy. He knew very much that he was starving and he'd probably do anything to eat something edible right now. This weaker and shorter being would beg for a glass of water and Sakusa loved that. He loved how the other was completely helpless and at his disposal. This curly haired male had come up to the attic with one intention, to kill this weak male.
Play with him for a couple minutes before hand of course!

He was a serial killer who only killed woman, most of his kills were random and other times he stalked his prey. This would be the first time he's killed a helpless boy. He was exited.

Atsumu had backed up. Looking at the male who was Peering down at him, Atsumu scooted back on his ass. This ticked Sakusa off, he hated when his prey didn't want him to touch them but then so many other people want to touch him when he hates it. How ironic.

"Where do you think your going fucker?" He asked with no emotion drawing closer to the smaller male. "Well answer me!"
He grabbed Atsumu pale face with his gloved hand and squished it between his fingers, pressing his cheek on his teeth making him open his mouth due to the pain on his tender cheeks.
Atsumu's eyebrows drew close together as his mouth was completely dry, he had no words that didn't get stuck at his lungs.
"M-meeE!" Sakusa mimics.
He let go of Atsumu's cheeks so he could speak
"Yer dumb!" Atsumu swats sakusa's hands away from his face as he backed up into the attic wall fear plastered on his face as Sakusa was visibly pissed.
"The hell did you say to me!?" Sakusa took the knife from his back pocket, the one he was wanting to use to carve into this pretty boys face until he died of blood loss, maybe shock.
Sakusa was pissed, he's not good with interaction and looses his patients easily, especially when he's being disrespected. He hated how Atsumu just called him dumb he was actually very smart, Sakusa was slowly slipping into deeper anger as he inched closer to Atsumu who's shaking in fear as he sees the knife pulled back then lunged at his face

Everything went black

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