Saving the day.

563 19 19

⚠️TW as usual⚠️

Atsumu squirmed more as he shot his eyes open for a second only for the hot water to burn his eyes making his close them tightly. He felt biting on his neck, which stung. He had no idea why the other was leaving trails of bites on his neck.

If he felt something on his neck that wasn't the others hands, lips. If his lips were on his neck then what was on his mouth?

He felt one hand let go of his neck and push under his head bringing him up to the surface. His lips placed firmly on the other shoulder. Oh-that makes sense-

Atsumu coughed and choked as he impulsively held onto the other, scared of being pushed back down.

"The hell?" Sakusa said his hot breath hitting Atsumu neck "are you kissing my shoulder?"
Atsumu shuddered holding tighter onto sakusa's upper body.
"No,,,d-Dont put me back under..."
"What's the magic word?"
"The magic word. Say it and I won't drown you right here and now."
"Is that a question?"
"No...sorry, please."
Sakusa but down roughly making Atsumu squirm again pushing him away
"What? A whore like you doesn't like that?"
"No! It hurts!"

"Mhm...but me doing that just made you that much harder." Sakusa gestures towards Atsumu boxers.

The fake blond blushes pushing the other away and before Sakusa could react there was a knock at the door followed by a

"Police! Open up!"

Sakusa looked at Atsumu and whispered "try andything and i WILL kill you on the spot, understand?"
"Fuck yo-"
"Then your brother."

Sakusa got out of the tub taking off his pants which were soaked he kept his slightly damp shirt on as he walked out of the bathroom shutting the door.
"I'm coming!" He was nervous, the bough he didn't show it.

Sakusa got to the door and opened it, as soon as he did one of the two police officers said "hello there mr.Kiyoomi, there was a complaint of noise, someone saying there was someone in here yelling for help...?"
"I'm sorry?"
"Yes. May we take a look inside."

Bu-dup bu-dup bu-dup

"Do you have a warrant?"
" sir."
"Then I have legal rights to say no."
"If we just come in and take a look, we can go get out of your can go back to...showering?"
The police looked Sakusa up and down.
"I wish you wouldn't."


The bathroom door opened slightly Atsumu sticking his soaked head out the door, while the door covered his body, for many reasons, the bruises, the fact he was basically naked.

The police looked at Atsumu in shock, looking back to Sakusa.

Atsumu's POV:

I heard the killer open the door, I've felt with police before, having a drunk dad had its perks, he knew that if someone complained about someone else yelling help they would come back with a warrant, and frankly, I was more scared of the black haired male getting caught then having to stay with him.

I opened the door a little my heart pounding in my ears, I see the police, one a female and one a male, the male was the one I heard talking while the female stood close behind. The male and female both look at me while my kidnapper didn't even want to look back.

{Lesser} SakuAtsu Where stories live. Discover now