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Did This gorgeous man just kill me? Did he really stab in the face with a dumb dull pocket knife because I called him dumb?! It's not he ISN'T! HE TOLD ME NOT TO SPEAK AND WHEN I DO HE TELLS ME TO SPEAK! Like I-

Sun was shining in Atsumu eyes as I warm smell filled his nose, soft sheets surrounded him he didn't dare open his eyes scared of this being the afterlife. He grunts as he sits up his head feeling heavy and it hurt like a bitch.
He slowly but Surely rubbed and opened him eyes to find himself in a bath tub with a blanket that had a few blood stains. There it is. That warm smell what is it? It smells like...


The only thing Atsumu could think of at the moment, food. His head hurt and it made him even more dizzy when he moved to stand up. There's a window that let sun shine into the bathroom but it was to high to look out of, there's nothing to stand on either, plus Atsumu couldn't fit out of it.
He sighed as he stood up using the wall by the tub as support. He stepped out hanging onto the sink as his legs felt and his body heavy, he caught a glimpse of a stranger in his reflection, he has never looked as bad as he did now.
His hair was a complete mess, some of the bleach blond died red from what he thinks blood, his body was pale and skinny, he's been starved for who knows how long. His eyes were swollen from the subtle moments he's cried, the sleepless nights he's had.
Wait- BLOOD?!
He looked at his stranger self closer seeing his head had been bleeding, so he isn't dead...?
He touched it and it was sore, most of the blood was dry but some seemed still fresh. He was confused when finally everything clicked.


Sakusa lunged at Atsumu with a knife, he hesitated for some reason and he turned knife bashing the handle on Atsumu head knocking him out.

That's the last thing Atsumu tempered but from the wound it seemed like he did a few more times after he passed out.

Atsumu lifted up the shirt he's been wearing for the past days to find some new bruises he was shocked just staring at his weak, tired, pale, bruised torso. He proceeded to take off his shirt and examine his body.
A bruise on the side of his ribs big enough to be a foot print, another small bruise on his hip, other big and small bruises, pink to purple, scattered on his pale skin that once was a warm tan.

As he was standing there shirtless, tracing the bruised marks, forgetting where he was, why he was there, he didn't even notice the potter latter of footsteps coming closer until the bathroom door flung open revealing Sakusa Kiyoomi.
There was a long pause as Atsumu stared at Sakusa who was in normal clean crisp clothes. Sakusa stared at the half naked boy plainly, his face unreadable.

"So your awake?" Sakusa broke the silence.
Hearing his voice made atsumu's legs shake as he looked at himself in mirror then behind him. He looked back at Sakusa. He doesn't even recognize himself anymore. He doesn't know this man, he hates that his twin brother is probably worried sick. The best thing to do is just get killed so the police can find his body so Osamu can move on.
"No. I'm sleeping."
"Don't be a smart ass, Miya."
"You know my name?!"
Fuck...fuck fuck fuck fuckfuckfuck if he knows my name then he knows Osamu! What he knows where he lives! Shit! Fuck! Ah! No!
"Do you remember what I told you last night?"
It was night? Then what is it now? Morning? How long was I asleep?
"What're talkin bout?"
"If you try anything...I'll break your spine."
Shivers sent down Atsumu back just the same as last night. It was obvious because his back arches and his arm got goosebumps, Sakusa smirked at this sight as he was enjoying seeing the fear flood through this shorter males eyes. His eyebrows were tightly pressed together as he swallowed his saliva.
He went silent and he felt his legs wanting to give out, all the sudden he realized how dizzy his head felt. He clenched the side of the sink making his knuckles white.

"Fuck." Sakusa said as he looked behind Atsumu. "You got your fucking blood on the blanket! I was nice enough to give you something but your just so ungrateful that you ruin it!" He stepped closer to Atsumu, with his normal unreadable expression.
Atsumu stepped back his shaky legs daring to give give out at the moment as he fell on his ass pushing himself away from Sakusa.
"Stay the fuck away me to fucking psycho!" He retorts with a shaky voice that cracked.
"Are you scared?" Sakusa stepped closer towering over Atsumu, he loved this feeling of being bigger than him. He's not sure if he's angry that he was just called a psycho or if he happy that this male was so easily scared.
"G-get away!"
"It's my house."
"Then let me leave! Then I won't be a bother anymore!"
Sakusa scoffed. "Your the dumb one."
He grabbed Atsumu neck tightly bringing him up onto his feet. He loved the sight of Atsumu struggling for air as he sadly clawed at Sakusa's arms.


Atsumu body was heating up as he had sakusa's hands wrapped around his throat, Atsumu found out a few years ago that he has a choking kink, he liked to be choked when he was being fucked. He actually enjoyed this at the moment but he didn't like how to other was a killer and possibly is going to kill right here and there.
Hello old friend. I see your turned on by a psycho killer trying to choke you out at the moment. Be normal for once Atsumu shit! Get your shut together!

Atsumu struggled a little bit more before he felt his feet softly touch the floor, the grip was strong but not as strong as before, Atsumu pressed his legs together as he felt a warm tear fall down his cheek.

"You looked starved. Have you been eating well, Miya?"
He loosened his grip altogether watching as the fake blond fell to his knees struggling for air as he choked and coughed as he pressed his thighs tightly together. As he held his own hand to his neck rubbing it softly. He finally steadied his breath as he looked back up at Sakusa who was smiling as if he just saw a little kid draw him something.
"Wha...What the fuck...Are you lookin' at?! Yer" cough. "Yer fucking crazy!"

Sakusa bent down and lifted Atsumu chin up with his finger with a smirk "You should be nicer to me."
"Screw you!"
"That's so sad. I made food for you."
"....I don't want it!"
"I don't give a crap if you want it or not. Your eating."
"Don't act like you care!"
"I don't."
"Then let me fucking starve!"
Atsumu gulped down nothing because of how dry his mouth was. He couldn't read Sakusa at all, he doesn't know what's he's thinking and he couldn't tell if the fear of not knowing what the other was going to do with was hot or scary. Maybe both.
Sakusa stood up towering over Atsumu again.
"Don't take what I'm offering, I don't care. After all your just a cunt who only does things his way."
Atsumu furrowed his brows as he looked at Sakusa
"What do you know of me?!"
"...fuck you."
"I can see your love that~"
With that Sakusa turned on his heel and walked off. He closed the bathroom door leaving Atsumu alone.
Atsumu looked down at himself and groaned in disbelief.
"Goddamnit why?!"

To be continued.

{Lesser} SakuAtsu Where stories live. Discover now