Hot syrup. Pt.2

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⚠️Sexual embarrassment⚠️

I fell asleep next to Kiyoomi, I tried to get away late that night, sleep on the couch or something but he didn't let me go. But I woke to familiar smell 🤤Omi's cooking🤤

I flutter my eyes open seeing the ceiling, I try to stretch but the first thing I notice is that I'm tied to the are my feet! And...he changed the sheet to...plastic wrap?
"No more Omi-Omi? Did you sleep well?"
"Why am I tied?!"
"No good morning...? Sad."

"Why. Am. I. Tied?!"
Kiyoomi walked into the room with a tea pot, a plate of what I'm guessing is food and some orange juice.
He set the food tray down on the desk by the bed taking a seat on the end
"Who cares?"
"Be quite! I have a small hangover! And it's early."
"Shut up."

"The girl?"
"What girl?"
"The dead one in the-"
"Taken care of."
"...untie me-"
"N.O. no!"
Sakusa held his hand over Atsumu mouth shutting him up with a glare

"I was planning on being nice, I tied you up for fun. Now you decided to be a fucking bitch, so I'll have to show what happens when you are.."

Atsumu looked up at Sakusa-

(Authors note: I just realized I made it into a 3rd POV instead of atsumu's but I'm tired it's 6 in the morning and I'm to lazy to change it so yee)

Atsumu looked up at Sakusa, slight fear shown in his eyes and he tugged on the restraints "screw you!"
Sakusa smirked and grabbed the tea pot from behind him and hovered it over atsumu's almost naked body, (he only slept with boxers 😩🤲🏻)

He shivered as the pot slowly tipped "no.." was all he mustered up to say before warm liquid poured onto his stomach making him wince, it hurt but it wasn't burning hot, almost like the first bath he took.

But...this isn't's thick... "Tshchh-What is th-"

The thick substance was poured onto his chest making him gasp as it started to go down touching his thighs and...covered area, (🥸 Hunnie I'm not even here...imma hallucination...Look away-)

"A-ah! Omi-S-Stop it!!"

Sakusa continued to pour the syrup over his body, making Atsumu squirm at the hot syrup running down his sides, chest, thighs. His face was flushed and breathing was getting heavy. He tugged tightly on both the leg retrains and the ones on his wrist making the bed headboard move and shake, along with the bed.
Sakusa looked up to see Atsumu pulling on the restraints.
"Stop pulling you'll hurt yourself." Sakusa reached up to lightly hold Atsumu tied wrist, but it didn't stop Atsumu he whined at the burn on his body and kept pulling "NO! Ow- why do you heat up syrup you sick fuck!!"

Sakusa sighed and stood up from the plastic covered bed and let go of his wrist taking the tray of food and softly poking at a pancake with the fork setting it down on Atsumu stomach "do you like hot cakes?"
"Hot cakes? Pancakes?"
"Yea..b-But not right now! Let me go fucker!"
"Where's the fun in th- stop ducking pulling on your poor wrist!!"
"No!!" Sakusa grabbed a small knife making Atsumu stop moving for a second but he placed it to the pancake and cut a small peice, Atsumu held his for the fear that if he moved the knife would cut him.


Atsumu glared at Kiyoomi who had a very much amused face, he ended up looking away and slowly opening his mouth which was greeted with the warm pancake and soft touch of the syrup which was poured on his body. His face was very flushed and this was embarrassing, ecpeically from the fact he had to keep his legs tightly pressed together because of...sensitivity.

"Tch. What?"
"I've noticed your easy to submit..."
"'s cute"
"'s easy to be gay for me don't worry Hun~"

Sakusa stared at Atsumu with slight disgust some anger curiosity and...lust.
He leaned over and grabbed the cup of orange juice "thirsty?"
"I'm not the biggest fan of orange juice, oranges in general."

(Note: I'm sure Atsumu likes oranges but like just for plot 👀)

"Really? Well still, drink."

He lifts the orange juice above his head waiting for Atsumu to open his mouth, which he did, he tipped the cup over barley allowing some liquid to fall down into Atsumu mouth. He stopped and let Atsumu swallow and put it back up, Atsumu shook his head no as if he was saying he wasn't thirsty.
Sakusa thought for a moment and decided he wanted to see Atsumu reaction...

"What's that face..?"

Sakusa snapped back to reality realizing he was smirking. "Nothing.."
"Don't nothing me! Whatever yer plannin' on doin' don't! Becu-AH~ ER EH UH SHET!!"

Sakusa put his hand on his face and amusingly watched Atsumu squirm and he slowly poured the orange juice on his crotch and thighs.
"What was that~?"
"Ngh-S-STOP!!" Atsumu tugged on his restraints pressing his legs together and tugging on the worst bonds. He kept pulling and tugging until the cold juice stopped pouring. He didn't stop resisting the bondages.
"Stop pulling you'll hurt your wrist"
"I DONT GIVA FU- W-what are you doing??!"

Sakusa stood up and took off his shirt (Did I mention he was shirtless last chapter? 🧐 idk just pretend I didn't if I did) he took off his shirt and unbuttons his pants "wh-wha-what are yo-you doing Kiyoomi..?"

Sakusa ignored Atsumu and took off his pants, he moved the food tray and took the pancake off his stomach (kinky bastard)  he got onto the plastic wrapped bed and straddled Atsumu as he leaned forward to hold his wrist.

"I said. Stop..resisting."

Atsumu nods and relaxed his hands allowing them to rest in Kiyoomi's. "See, you submitted so easily"
"Shut yer trap! It's just that every time I mov- nuffin."
"Every time you move..?"

Atsumu huffs and moved his wrist making the headboard shake and bed...and both Atsumu and Sakusa move..😉

"Funny how you realized that~"
"I fucking hate yo-"
Knock knock knock

The front door opens and a voice calls out "hey~! I brought some coffee!...Kiyoomi?"

To be continued

You've reached the end of published parts.

⏰ Last updated: Mar 30, 2021 ⏰

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