14: Get your girl back

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Lisa's pov

"What?!!!" I shouted at them.

"Is everyone safe? No one is hurt right? Answer me please. Your worrying me." I said continuously.

"Hey calm down honey." Eomma hugged me.

"Lisa. It's hard to explain but without you or any of you there, we can't fight with them since alpha Mark isn't there either. Don't worry. Their all safe except for some new fighters that died. We also need to rebuild the pack building and houses." Suho oppa explained.

"When did this happen?" I asked.

"Two days ago." Jennie answered.

"Where are you staying now?" I asked once again.

"Alpha Jungkook helped us and let us stay at the north side of this place. He also help with rebuilding the packs place." Suho oppa answered.

"Oh Gosh." I rubbed my head.

"Hey calm down Lisa. Also Liz, Alpha Jungkook said that you and your wild need to stop fighting the Mark. It will drain your energy and can cause you on a comma." Momo unnie comforted me.

I just nodded and they smiled.

"What is it now anyway?" I ask.

"It's still early like..... 5 am." Mina unnie answered looking at her watch.

"Hmm. Who's watching over Mark oppa?" I asked.

"Luna Nayeon of course." Bambam scoffed.

"Oh OK. When am I gonna get out of here?" I ask.

"Later noon." Eunwoo oppa said.

I was about to ask when they groaned making me laugh.

"You good now? Me and your Appa will get you some clothes for you to change later. Also the dinner is resumed later. I didn't know you and alpha Jungkook are mates." Eomma teased.

"EOMMA." I whined loudly and they laughed while I pouted.

"But seriously Liz. You should give the guy a chance." Momo unnie winked making me pout even more.

They laughed again.

After some time

Eomma and Appa came back with clothes and food.

I ate first before changing into this 👇👇👇

I ate first before changing into this 👇👇👇

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With rubber shoes of course. I went towards Mark oppas room when I heard he's awake now.

I asked permission from them to talk to Mark oppa. Gladly they said yes.

I knocked on the door before opening it.

"Unnie. Oppa." I said in a small voice and I was greeted by a smiling Luna and Alpha.

"Oh Lisa. Come in." Nayeon unnie invited.

I gladly came in and smiled at them.

"Oppa." I hugged Mark oppa then Nayeon unnie.

"Are you OK now Lisa-yah?" Nayeon unnie asked.

I just nodded and faced Mark oppa.

"I'll give you two some privacy." Nayeon unnie said and left.

"I heard what happened to you Lisa. Are you OK?" Mark oppa asked.

"Ne oppa. I should be the one asking you that. You made me worried." I posted and sat beside him.

"I'm OK Lisa. Also good to know your OK." I hugged him and he hugged back.

We were in that position when Jungkook barged in and moved quickly to pull me out.

I growled at him.

"Why are you hugging my mate?" Jungkook asked.

"Mate?" Mark oppa looked at me then to Jungkook.

Then he laughed.

"I didn't know that the jerk who rejected you was my friend." Mark oppa laughed.

"Can you leave us two Jungkook? We want to talk and it's Wolf Fang matter." I said.

He scoffed.

"Talk? You were hugging and you call that talk?" He asked sarcastically.

'Stop me or I swear I'll punch that bastard.' Pranpriya.

I was about to punch him when Mark oppa held my hand to stop me.

"What did I told you Lisa? Control your anger." Mark oppa said.

I looked at Mark oppa then at Jungkook then back at Mark oppa.

"I'm sorry alpha." I heard Jungkook growled softly but I just ignored him.

"Lisa please leave us two. We'll just talk." Mark oppa. I looked at him and nodded.

I faced Jungkook and growled at him before walking out.

'This is gonna be a long day.'

Jungkook's pov

I sat down at the chair.

"Bro long time no see." We greeted each other.

"I'm sorry about earlier Mark. It's just that I felt pain whenever she's around male wolves."

"I understand Kook. I'm just here to tell you that I want Lisa to be happy. I can see that your trying to get her back but she's just too hard headed, isn't she?"

"Yes." I replied shortly.

"Well I can see that you marked her without her permission. That's a very bold move. She might hate you forever because of that."

"I know. I did that because she's too stubborn. She threatened to accept my rejection. She's too stubborn and she gets mad so easily." I replied.

"Hmm. I might help you win her back. I knew her ideal type. We'll it was just a coincidence that I red her diary, I didn't know it was hers." He shrugged and I laughed.

"Well her ideal type of man is..................... Got it?" I nodded and smiled at him.

"Thanks hyung." I said.

"No problem." He said.

"And BTW, please don't do that again. Not only me was worried." I said and he laughed.

"Yeah Yeah. Go get your girl back Kook." We waved goodbye.

'I'm getting my girl back.'

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