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Me and Puck stood at the dumpster with some other Jocks and Kurt the gay kid.

"morning kurt" Shue says.

" Buenos notches Mr shue" i say.

He chuckles and walks away. they go to throw Kurt but he stops us, throws his bag to me and says "one day you will all work for me". Puck just throws him in the dumpster and i walk to go see the unholy trinity.


Me and santana were walking up the stairs and could see Miss pillsbury and mr shue 'flirting'.

"urgh get a room" santana said rolling her eyes.

"coach Sylvester wants to see you in her office mr shue. She doesn't like to be kept waiting" i tell him.

Me and santana continue to walk to practice.
Me and santana were stood at our lockers and could hear quinn yelling at finn for joining the glee club.

"Omg she's so annoying" i say.

"you're not wrong there. It's about time that i'm your co captain not her" she replies.

she starting running her hand down my arm and asked "what you doing tonight?".

i smirk and reply "nothing. you know i'm always free for you".

she smirks before we hear Finns locker slam shut. we both looked at eachother and know it's better to run away before shit goes down.
It was time for the celibacy club. " The Celibacy Club is now in session. Thanks to a school rule that says we have to let anyone join the club, we're welcoming a new member this week- Rachel What's-her-name."Quinn says.

we all turn to look at Rachel. "Where are all the boys?" she asks.

" Down the hall. First half hour we separate, then we come together to share our faith." i tell her.


A group of football players and other boys are spread around the room. Finn is sitting on a desk, tossing a football into the air.

"I think I'm gonna kill myself. I'm serious. We're bombarded with sexual imagery every day- Beer ads, those short skirts. I'm supposed to be surrounded by temptation- Not be able to do anything about it?" JBI tells the boys.

" Are you kidding? Those skirts are crunchy toast. Olivia Lodge bent over in hers the other day, and I swear I could see her ovaries." Puck tells him.


Me and santana twirled around at the center of the room, our Cheerios skirt flaring up. "God bless the perv that invented these. Remember the power motto, girls"

"It's all about the teasing, and not about the pleasing. Oh!".

Us Cheerios begin to dance in place.

"Back it up like a dump truck, baby!" i say however Rachel appears annoyed by us.

All Celibacy Club members have moved into the same room. They are paired off, one boy and one girl, with a balloon for each pair. i was with Puck.

"Let's pair up for the "Immaculate Affection." Now, remember. If the balloon pops, the noise makes the angels cry." Quinn tells us members.

Puck grinds into the balloon between him and me and i struggled to pull away.

"Stop it!" i say laughing. I push him away which only makes him go harder.

"Take it. Ah, yeah!" he replies.

Finn and Quinn's balloon popped causing us all to gasp.

"Finn!" she yells at him.

"It must have hit my zipper."

"You know what? This is a joke. Did you know that most studies have demonstrated that celibacy doesn't work in high schools? Our hormones are driving us too crazy to abstain. The second we start telling ourselves that there's no room for compromise, we act out. The only way to deal with teen sexuality is to be prepared. That's what contraception is for." Rachel rants.

"Don't you dare mention the "C" word." Quinn yells at her.

"You want to know a dirty little secret that none of them want you to know? Girls want sex just as much as guys do." Rachel says.

"I- Is that accurate?" JBI asks.

Puck just looks at me and smirks.
The next day we were all sat in the gymnasium. I was sat with the cheerios and we were all not looking forward for this assembly.

"Silence, children. Silence. First, an announcement. The toilets are broken again. We are fixing the problem. But let me warn you. There will be zero tolerance for anyone soiling school grounds. We're not going to have a repeat of the last time. We have a treat for you guys today. Mr. Schuester." Figgins says.

Mr shue walks up to the mic to say "Uh, hi. Uh, when I went to school here, Glee Club ruled this place. And we're on our way back. But we need some recruits to join the party. Now, I can tell you all about how great Glee is, but, uh, I think I'm gonna let some friends of mine show you instead.".

The glee club preformed an inappropriate preformance of push it. me and Santana just look and Coach and she is not happy.
"You have got to help me Liv" quinn pleads.

"look i want to help u get Finn back as much as the next person but that's like social suicide." i tell her.

"please olivia you're my best friend. i'll do anything in return." she gives me pleading eyes.

"okay okay jut stop with the eyes." she smirks and walks away.

"what was all that about?" Puck asks chuckling.

i roll my eyes " i may or may not be joining the glee club" i say quietly.

"wait what" he laughs.

"don't laugh it's not funny. she basically blackmailed me" i tell him.

"ahhh is little liv upset." he says pinching my cheeks.

i just give him puppy eyes to stop him. "anyway i can't come tonight.".

"what why?" he asks.

"i'm going out with santana." i say shutting my locker.

"wait you're blowing me off for santana." he scoffs.

"yes" i reply walking away.
The Fearsome foursome stood in the choir room.

"I have to say, I'm really surprised you guys are trying out." mr shue says.

"I'm sure you've read about this in the school paper. Finn and I have been an item for a while now. So what kind of girlfriend would I be if I didn't support him?" quinn says as i silently roll my eyes.
Coach Sylvester made us all go to her office after she found out we joined the glee club.

"Let me get this straight. You're joining Glee Club?".

"I'm sorry, Coach Sylvester, but something is going on between Finn and that thing. You saw how it was undressing him with its eyes. Please don't kick us off the Cheerios." Quinn says on the verge of tears.

Sue snaps her fingers and says "Cease fire on the waterworks. I don't want to hear it. I don't want to see it. You know, Q, when I first laid eyes on you I was reminded of a young Sue Sylvester, though you don't have my bone structure. But it wasn't until this very moment I saw how alike we really are. You four are going to be my spies. I need eyes on the inside. We're going to bring this club down from within.".

Me and Santana gave each other a quick hi five.

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