The newest addition to the DEO

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Kara's POV
"COME ON! THIS HAS GOT TO WORK!" I shouted, letting my anger get the best of me.

It had been 2 weeks since Kora "disappeared" and a week since Kora telephatically spoke to me about her being on earth-6. I hadn't even gotten to know her for a day and the door portal decides to take her away out of all people. And, after Kora left, we found Livewire missing from her cell, but then returning a few days later, completely unsure of who she was and what happened. There was no way in hell that this was a coincidence.

"Well... the portal still isn't working. Sorry Kara." Winn said sadly, eyes darting to the ground.

At that moment I just wished for the ground to swallow me whole and let the other superheroes handle the "saving the world" thing. Wait. Other. Superheroes. CISCO. He could vibe me to Earth-6, then I could save Kora! This might work! I just need to get in contact with Barry now.

Pulling out my phone, I scrolled through my contacts and found Barry's name. Calling him, I was sent to his voicemail.

"Hey! It's Barry! If there's something important then just leave a message..."

"Barry? This is Kara, I need your help, well, Cisco's help. Please contact me once you get this. It's really important." I said, hoping that he would reply quickly.

As I put my phone back into my pocket, I saw J'onn walk through the front doors with a lady with blonde hair wearing some weird costume?

As I put my phone back into my pocket, I saw J'onn walk through the front doors with a lady with blonde hair wearing some weird costume?

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"Um J'onn, who's that??" Alex asked, walking over from the lab.

"Well, seeing that Kara's cousin just magically disappeared, I decided to hire someone else. Someone more capable than she is, and someone who doesn't go missing on her first day of work. This, is Captain Marvel, otherwise known as Carol. Carol Danvers." 

"Excuse me? Are you calling my cousin incapable?" I yelled, my emotions getting the best of me.

"No Kara, that's not what I'm saying. It's just kinda hard to believe that the door to the DEO which almost the entire DEO has gone through only teleported your cousin to Earth-6 was it?"

"Yes-" As I was about to continue, Carol cut in.

"Wait, earth-6? I'm from earth-6... Well at least I used to be, moved here about 2 months ago. I have some friends there, maybe you could tell her where to go. They can keep her safe. It's at 890 Fifth Avenue in the borough of Manhattan in New York City, earth-6."

"Are you serious? Thank you thank you thank you! Waittt, does that mean you can go back to earth-6...?" 

"Well, yes, but it would take-"


"Yes, but as I was saying, it would take 1 day here, which is just a few minutes  on earth-6. But my teleporter broke once I got to this Earth. It might take a few months, gosh maybe even years to fix..." 

"A few months? Well, WINN COME HERE WOULD YA" I yelled, hoping that Winn would know how to fix the teleporter Carol was talking about. 

Winn walked into the room, raising an eyebrow, eyes darting to Carol before darting back to me. 

"Um hello? Hi, nice to meet you, I'm Winn?" Winn introduced himself, but instead of saying it like a fact he said it like it was a question. 

"Winn, this is Carol. She's going to be assisting us in the DEO from now on. And you're going to be helping her to fix a teleporter." J'onn said 

"A teleporter? Cool sign me right up... but I mean, not like I have a choice right?" Winn said, cracking up at his "hilarious" joke. 

J'onn rolled his eyes in annoyance before walking back out of the room. "Oh and Kara, I better see you 10 feet, no 50 feet away from Carol and her teleporter at all times, until the teleporter is ready. You understand?" J'onn said, glaring lasers into the back of my head. "Yes sir..." I said, puffing out a breath in defeat. 

After J'onn left the room, I whipped out my phone and saw multiple missed calls: Insurance, advertisements, scammers.... BARRY! 

Rushing out of the room, Carol and Winn stared at me with widened eyes but I ignored them. Calling Barry, I was so excited to call that I didn't watch where I was going and accidentally bumped into someone. 

"oof!" The voice grunted in pain.

"I'm so sorry! I didn't see you there!" I shrieked, as the man's items fell to the floor. Bending down to help him pick them up, a familiar face on a picture caught my eye. Picking up the photograph, I looked at it closely. It was Kora. She was wearing a plain white t-shirt with a pair of jeans and was happily munching on a mickey-mouse shaped ice cream sandwich.

 She was wearing a plain white t-shirt with a pair of jeans and was happily munching on a mickey-mouse shaped ice cream sandwich

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"Beautiful, isn't she? That's me fiancee. She's so... perfect. But, she's been missing for a while now and I wanted to ask for help? She said she'd have friends here... Sorry 'bout that by the way." The man with slightly long hair said to me, with a thick Irish accent, sticking out a hand, saying, "I'm Niall by the way, nice to meet ya." 

My jaw fell open slightly- fiancee? Staring at Niall, it took me a while to reply. "Oh, hi, sorry, I'm Kara... Kara Danvers... Also Kora's younger cousin." Smiling slightly, I saw Niall's eyes widen. 

"Oh! Yer' Kara! Kora's told me all about ya!" Niall said, before asking again," So um, where's Kora?"

Taking Niall over to the meeting room, I swallowed the lump in my throat...How was I going to tell her fiance who might not even know about her powers that she was teleported to another Earth?

"I do know about her powers, if that's what you were just thinking about." Niall clarified, making me heave a sigh of relief.

Taking a deep breath, I explained the situation to him. His eyes widened with each thing I told him and by the end of my explaination, his eyes seemed to have bulged out.

"I... I think I know why she was the only one teleported..." Niall stammered out, face turning into a pale white colour.

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