The anonymous helper

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Niall's POV

After sending the photo to Kara, she took off and told me to stay down the next few days, but I couldn't do that. I had to find her. I had to. 

"Please pick up, please pick up..." I muttered to myself, as the phone rang continuously.

"Hello? Oh! Niall what's up?" The familiar voice on the other side picked up, asking kindly.

"Thank goodness you picked up. I have a problem. One that maybe only you can solve, and I need your help with it. It's really fucked up so maybe we should meet up to discuss it. Are you free like, tomorrow maybe?" I asked, trying to find a time that we both would be free. 

"Yeah, tomorrow works for me, shall we meet at your place then?" The person asked, to which I replied with yes. 

After a while of discussing some things, we both said our goodbyes and I proceeded to find different ways to distract myself from the fact that Kora was missing. Hm, maybe I should try some karaoke, apparently it helps with de-stressing? I should call some of my mates, karaoke-ing alone sounds really sad. Dialling some of my close friends, they came over and had a karaoke session with me and jammed out to our favourite songs. At that moment, I thought that I would feel free from all my troubles when really, I felt weighed down and depressed. How could I have a good time when the love of my life was gone. 

Ugh fuck my head hurts from all this thinking.

After all my friends left, my head was starting to throb like crazy and I walked over to my bed before lying down and closing my eyes, hoping that the headache would go away. What is going on, this has never happened before. Suddenly, my room disappeared from around me and I was in a white room

"Hello?" I asked, confusion brewing inside of me.

"Hello there Niall." A deep voice emanated from behind me.

Turning around, I saw a man with a fake eye staring at me, lips turned up into a smirk, fists clenched tightly by his sides. Staring at him, I realised he looked strangely familiar. 

"Do I know you?" I questioned, as the man's facial features began to change. Suddenly, I was standing face to face with Kora.

"I am everything you fear Niall, and I am the one who will destroy your pretty fiancee." The person stated, now in Kora's voice and accent. 

He is the one who wrote the letter. It's been him all along, I need to tell Kara. But where am I?

"Where am I?" I stared at him, as he replied, "Where everything will end." 

What is up with this guy and his beating around the bush? Wait, what if this is just a dream? Does that mean that if I just slap myself I'll wake up?

Slapping myself across the cheek, I felt nothing but a stinging sensation on my right cheek. Uh oh. This isn't a dream.

"If you needed someone to slap you you could have just asked you know." The man stated, as I suddenly returned back to my room, the same position I was in before I appeared in that room.

Rushing to grab my phone, I saw something on the floor that wasn't there before- a note on the edge of my bed. It read: Say bye-bye to your fiancee while you still have the chance.

"What the actual fuck." I said out loud, immediately calling Kara and explaining everything. She asked me to head to the D.E.O and meet her there, and to also bring the note I just found.

Throwing on a jacket, I rushed over to the D.E.O and ran to look for Kara. I knew that this was going to be how I would find my girl. I know.

Kora's POV

"I miss you..." I muttered before falling into a dark abyss which is also known as sleep.

Waking up, the golden rays of sunlight shone into my room as I yawned tiredly and stretched my arms out.

After washing up, I walked downstairs to look for everyone and make my breakfast, but no one was there.

Strange... Nat's usually awake by now... Confused, I sprinted to Nat's room and opened her door.

"Nat- FUCK!" I yelled, as Nat's pale white body fell off the chair by her desk.

"What the hell..? Nat? Nat! Answer me!" I shouted, shaking her body repeatedly. Her skin was cold as ice and her eyes were bloodshot red.

"Someone help!" I pleaded, trying to use my powers to heal her, but to no avail.

Suddenly, the doors opened to reveal a man with a fake eye, "Hello sweetheart, nice to meet you."

"What in the name of-" The man swiftly pulled a gun out from his pocket, not hesitating to aim it and pull the trigger at me. However, thanks to my super speed, I was able to catch the bullet before it hit me.

"Welcome to your biggest nightmare my dear." He smirked, continuing to try and shoot bullets at my head.

Catching them speedily, he glared daggers into my eyes while shouting, "Why aren't you dying!" 

Ignoring his question, I continued to catch his bullets with quick movements. In a few seconds, the bullets were all in my hand and his gun was out of ammo. Quickly, I threw the bullets back towards him, as he tried to dodge the bullets. However, my quick throwing managed to hit him right in his leg. He yelled in pain as he fell to the ground, clutching his leg with his face twisted. 

"Don't you dare. Ever. Show up here again." I said, glaring angrily at him.

He groaned in pain as I kicked him painfully in the stomach. "Rot in hell... b...bitch" he stuttered out, before continuing, "Good luck to your... little.... fiancé..." 

What the hell?

"What do you mean? How do you know who he is." I asked, before he passed out and his head dropped to the ground.

Bending down, I tried to check his pulse. Thankfully, I managed to find one. Opening up a portal to downstairs, I saw everyone, including Nat, stare confusedly at me as I dragged the man's body across the floor out of the portal.

"Kora, who's this?" Nat asked

"Lock him up in a secure cell. He... He makes you see what you fear the most... Then he tries to shoot you." I said straightforwardly.

Tony grabbed him by his arm and dragged him to a cell before coming back and staring at me, as if trying to ask me a question. 

How do I explain this...

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