Don't mess with me in the morning.

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Nat's POV

There was one more thing I still needed to do...

"Psssssst... Wake up... Psssssst..." I shook her body as she jolted up from her bed. 

"What? It's-" "2am! What is it Nat?" Wanda's eyes drooped as she said tiredly.

"It's Kora... She's having a mental breakdown and she needs us there with her right now. Please, we promised to keep her safe and being there for her is one of those ways." I whispered, as Wanda nodded and we tiptoed out of the room. 

Gently closing the door behind me, Wanda and I went on either side of Kora, sandwiching her between the two of us. Her eyes fluttered open as she looked to the both of us and yawned, "oh hey wands..." She muttered before falling back into a deep slumber.

We engulfed Kora in a hug before falling asleep.

The Next Day...

"WAKIE WAKKIIEEEE!!!!" A loud obnoxious voice yelled into the room, obviously banging a ladle and pot together.

"AH MY EARS!" Wanda yelled, covering her ears.

Suddenly, a blue orb surrounded the loud person, who I just saw was Loki-who probably just reached this morning, and Loki was thrown out of the room. 


Uh ohh shit is about to go down. Just as I said that in my head, Kora rose from the bed and approached the door. She formed a orb before saying with gritted teeth, "I. Am. Not. A. Witch." Loki rolled his eyes before suddenly falling to the ground and covering his ears in pain. Kora's eyes glowed a rapid blue and she glared at Loki before releasing him from "hell". 

"Don't mess with me in the morning." Kora grumbled, before hopping back into the bed, leaving a pained Loki on the ground.

Damn girl. Damn.

Getting out of bed, I saw Wanda rushing towards the bathroom. Running over, she slammed the door close. Pressing my ear against the door, I heard vomiting sounds and I immediately knew that something was wrong. After sitting outside the bathroom for a while, enough time for Kora to decide to wake up and join me, Wanda finally came out of the bathroom.

"Are you alright?" Kora asked, concerned about Wanda.

Wanda nodded her head before explaining, "I just haven't been feeling my best lately..."

Kora walked over to Wanda before creating an orb in her hand and pressing it on Wanda's forehead. Wanda's previously scrunched up face left her, and her face suddenly regained its colour. 

"Healing orb." Kora explained, before walking into the bathroom.

Wanda and I stared at each other in shock for a second before going down to get some breakfast.    Everyone had recovered from the weird... situation last night and Peter's arm looked as good as new. Plates of sausages, eggs, toast, waffles, pancakes, fruits, and yogurt were arranged nicely on the table but nobody had eaten the food yet. 

"Woah, that's a lot of food..." I said in amazement, wondering who had been so nice to make everyone breakfast. 

Everyone nodded in agreement and stared longingly at the food. We all had the urge to just eat the food, but since nobody had owned up to making the food, we weren't sure that the food was safe to eat. 

"WHAT SMELLS SO GOOD?!" Kora shrieked as she ran down the steps, wearing a pair of glasses. Locating the source of the delicious aroma, she locked eyes on the food. But, before she took a bite of anything on the table, she stared at the food for a few seconds, before gasping in shock.

"What's wrong?" Anthony asked.

"The food. Who would do such a thing. WHO WOULD POISON SUCH PERFECT FOOD!" Kora yelled, placing a hand over her chest. Such a drama queen.

"Wait, you're telling me the food's poisoned?" Tony double-checked.

"Well duh, do you wanna do a taste test for that?" Kora asked sarcastically, rolling her eyes.

Suddenly, Kora squinted at the table and lowered her glasses. "Ho. Ly. Shit." She muttered, before using her powers to lift the food with the toast, and suddenly flipping it around. 

"Rot in hell...What the fuck?" Kora said, looking up at all of us before her eyes darted around the room and settled on the corner of it. 

Lasers shot from her eyes at the corner and a hidden camera suddenly fell from the wall. We walked over to the camera before Kora reached out to take it.

"No it's hot!" I shouted, but Kora still reached out to take it. 

"Heat resistance remember?" She reminded, before taking the camera.

She tried looking for a brand around the camera and to her luck, she managed to locate a brand on the back of the camera. 

"Nelson technology... Where's that?" She asked, looking up at all of us.

"Friday, locate Nelson technology." Tony stated, as Friday pulled out a location of a warehouse about 30-minutes away.

Kora placed the camera down on the table and asked, "Ok, so that's where we're going for sure, who's in, and what's the fight plan?" 

A chorus of "I'm in"s echoed around the room.

"Ok um, Nat, Wanda, Tony, Thor, Falcon, anddd Spidey, follow me." Kora said, as she walked to the cupboards and pulled out a new packet of cereal. Munching on the cereal, she walked over to Peter and checked on his arm. "You up for a mission Spidey?" She asked, as Peter nodded his head.

Kora's POV

Standing next to Peter, I realised that he was pretty buff. But still, I could tell that he had a girl in his mind. Yes, I might have the ability to read his mind but if I did so without his permission, it would be against all moral values I had. I still had yet to find a way to return back to Earth-38. 

20 minutes later...

"Ok, everyone ready and suited up?" I asked, as we walked towards the car. 

"Yes" They all said. 

"Well then, let's get going." 

Creating an orb in my hand, I boosted myself into the air while everyone else made their way to the warehouse. 

Soon, we all reached outside the deserted warehouse, to see nothing but empty grounds. "What in the name of-" Tony muttered, staring at the empty area. 

"It's a disguise..." I said, shooting lasers at an 'empty area'. The camouflager immediately wore off, revealing a dark warehouse. "Woah..." Peter muttered, staring at the warehouse.

"Everyone clear of the plan?" I asked, turning around to look at them. They nodded and we made our way towards the warehouse.

Shit's about to go down, and I'm ready for anything that's going to come at me.

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