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Note: My computer is not working properly, so I had to go back to my cell phone, so there may be some errors, since it crashes a lot. That's it.

First of all, for those who have read the original, this is kind of a reboot, so it is... And, some characters will kind of reappear and some chapters from the original will be almost the same, so for the people who have read the original as well or intend to read it, here's a request:

I just ask that you don't give spoilers, because, right? Let's respect the people who are reading it right now. Please, let's be respectful to the people who are arriving now, ok?

Okay, then. Let's get to what you need to know:

Hello, I am glad you want to read this book. However, in order for people who are reading it to feel more comfortable, I will insert the context in which the world of the story takes place.

In the year 2100, humans have reached the pinnacle of technological evolution, with automated machines, self-aware AIs, and so on. However, even though technology has made life easier for many inhabitants; causing diseases known to man to be extinguished, time-space limitations broken, etc., even so, humanity met its end due to a failed "research" by an unknown scientist.

The object researched was an unidentified bacterium carrying a deadly disease. Once in contact with a specific animal, it would possess only that species as host; it reproduced rapidly in a few days; the scientist was accidentally contaminated by the bacteria, which in the end caused the extinction of mankind?

It was as if the entire species, besides being eliminated from the world, was eliminated from existence in such a way that not even its magnificent buildings would see the light of day, being mere remains of what they once were, and the truly "important" things would not be rediscovered.

The passage of man has left severe marks on nature, so that animals have become the dominant species, with human characteristics and the ability to return to their original form whenever they wish; something like the werewolves in Twilight and or Wolfs Rain (the latter of which I was kind of inspired to write the story).

Unfortunately I can't tell you any more about the text above because otherwise I will "spoil" the story, and we don't want that, do we, friends?

The story is based in a fictional world where only one continent exists (it is called Mundus), and it covers sensitive topics such as apartheid, nationalism, love, family, racism, homophobia, etc., as well as inappropriate language and violence.

*Facts about the book

*The ruling class in the book (at least in the country in question) are herbivores, but specifically gazelles, with carnivores being the basis of society despite being the majority.

*I would like to tell a fable/fairy tale that is kind of different where reality comes through, where I can show that everyone has problems and that the world although not so colorful, is a place that can be loved and improved through hard work; and I thought who better to see the beauty of a world falling apart than a child?

I thought about which animals to use as a metaphor, and for me the one that stood out the most was the gazelle. Think about it: a girl who is good at sports, good at school, good at socializing (something like fake smiles and such in etiquette classes, but not when it comes to her personal life...), but who doesn't talk much, doesn't have many friends, doesn't express herself very well (in certain situations), doesn't tell her problems to anyone, demands a lot from herself, but even with the world burning around her, she keeps her head up and her faith intact.

I thought about how identical some of these characteristics match the young Japanese, and that women until recently were seen as perfect housewives, just getting ready and waiting for an arranged marriage (something that still happens today in other parts of the world...), and I thought about the meaning of the word gazelle as slang, a fine, delicate, beautiful girl, etc, but which also has a pejorative meaning when it comes to the male. I thought it would be nice to put the two together the idea of the "traditional fragile" girl or young man."

Countries (most) are named after constellations ex: Brazil= Virgo (virgin), Japan (Orion) which is the archer of Orion's belt.

Attention: some things will be left to the mere interpretation of the reader, that is, whatever you think is what happened as long as it makes sense with the logic and chronology of that world.

The religion, mythology and cultures of this universe are entirely mine and not taken from anywhere else, e.g. The wolves they wear Norse/Celtic clothing in some situations but they have a culture based on the actual behavior of these animals, so I kind of mixed the two together creating a unique culture. The gods, religion are mine too. The animals too... So it is... I didn't copy anything ahahaI don't agree with the comments of some characters throughout the book (racism, homophobia and some others...). My job is to make them talk so I can show my idea, the idea of redemption that the book brings. Even because some of them do not speak out of "evil" but because they have had some traumatic experience, or as a strategy (usually political); as if everything was a huge chess game. Like in geopolitics, where they have a tantrum to see who stabs whom for power, and after they fight and everything bad happens, they talk to each other again.Anyway, that's it. Have fun!

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