Chap 8 "Switched Roles"

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Lilah's POV

"You're not wrong, but I'd rather you tag along, because we have other things to do once this gets sorted out," I nodded. We got to a restaurant and got out. "Dad?"

"Uncle James," Dad pointed at a table. James was sitting at a table with his two body guards. "I'm sure that's the man you need to talk to. He'll be happy to do anything for his god-daughter." I smiled. "Plus, I think he has the upper hand in this."

"Uncle James," I walked up to the table. The guards stopped me. "I'm his neice."

"She's fine, boys," James stated as he stood up. "How's my god-daughter doing?"

"Great," I smiled. "Permission to hug?"

"Permission granted," James nodded. We hugged. "So, you're dad tells me I have a problem."

"You do," Dad stated as him and Seth joined the table. "Just so happens, Lilah got the short end of the stick."

"It's about the Five-O task force you created," I responded.

"Best think about the island," James nodded. "Crime rate has been going down because of them."

"Oh, I know. I'm actually a part of the task force, but I've been put on desk duty when I got back," I sighed. "You know my dad trained me and you know my dad got me Navy SEAL training."

"Yeah, you are just as great as McGarrett," James looked at me. The server put food in front of us. "I took the liberty to order us food." I nodded as we started eating. "So, why did he put you on desk duty?"

"Because she's dating me," Seth sighed.

"Honestly, that makes no sense," James replied. "What does he have against you?"

"Nothing," Seth nodded.

"I was dating Steve at first," I stated. "When I broke up with Steve, I started hanging out with Seth and we eventually became a thing." I looked at Seth and then at James. "I need you to get me off desk duty." All four of us talked for a good two hours. "Do you think you can help?"

"How about this?" James asked. "I'll fix the situation at Five-O so this won't happen again. The two of us will go down to Five-O together."

"Okay," I replied. James and I got into the backseat of his Suburban. We started moving. "Thanks for doing this, Uncle James."

"I wouldn't dop this for anyone, but I know you and you shouldn't be put on desk duty," James replied. "No one benches my god-daughter." We got to the Palace and walked to Five-O headquarters. "At least I know the money didn't go to waste." We walked into Steve's office to see him. "How are you running the team, Commander McGarrett?"

"Sir," Steve replied, startled. "We weren't expecting you."

"I am the founder of this task force," James stated. "You should always be prepared to see me unannounced."

"Yes, sir," Steve nodded. "How can I be of help?"

"I was told that you putt Lilah on desk duty," James explained. "Is that true?"

"Just until she can prove she's ready to be in the field," Steve stated. "She just got back."

"I've known Lilah since she was born," James replied. "She is my god-daughter."

"Excuse me?" Steve asked.

"I am Lilah's god-father," James stated, making it a little more clear. "I am taking her off desk duty, effective immediately."

"Sir, my better judgement is to get an evaluation on her," Steve pointed. 'With how long she's been gone, I think it'll be a good idea." I crossed my arms. "I don't wanna argue with you, sir, but she needs to be evaluated."

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