Chap 13 "Wrong Track"

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Steve's POV

Leilani and I had hours together. "So, what do you want to do next?" I asked.

"Can we go to the carnival again?" Leilani asked.

"We've went back twice already," I looked at her. "What could you possibly want from there?" Leilani shrugged. We went back to the carnival and she took me towards a shooting booth. "You can't shoot a gun yet."

"I want the big panda," Leilani pointed.

"How do I win her the big panda?" I asked.

"Five bucks and a good shooting streak," the game attendant smiled. "Ten rounds in the middle of the target. Get all ten, you get the panda." I nodded. "Don't think it's easy now. Some people miss by their sixth or seventh shot."

"I never miss a target," I smiled as I handed the guy five dollars. He let me have a go. All ten rounds, dead center. "Today's your lucky day, Leilani."

"How'd you do that?" the guy asked as he handed me the panda.

"I never miss a target," I stated again. "I'm a former Navy SEAL." I carried he panda. "You ready to go home yet?"

"No," Leilani nodded.

"Come on," I smiled as I held her hand with my free hand. "Don't you think we have enough stuffed animals at home?"

"Mommy said I can never have too many," Leilani nodded. We got back to the car. I got her in her car seat and the panda rode next to her. I got into the driver seat and started the car. "Steve?"


"Are you going to leave like Seth did?"

"No," I stated as my phone started ringing. "I'm not going to leave you and your mom." I looked at my phone and picked up. "This is Commander Steve McGarrett."

"Commander McGarret," the woman calmly stated. "This is SSA Emily Prentiss with the FBI. I must inform you that one of your team members is in the hospital."

"Which hospital is she in?" I asked as I started driving. "And the room number?"

"Mary Washington, room 154," Emily stated.

"I'm on my way," I sight. I hung up. "We have to go see Mommy." I got us to the hospital and we went to her room. There was already seven people in there. "What is going on here?"

"I told you not to call him," Lilah sighed.

"I'm SSA Emily Prentiss," a woman walked up to me and held out her hand. "We spoke on the phone."

"What happened?" I asked as I shook her hand.

"We are the FBI's Behavioral Analysis Unit, and we asked Officer Winters for her help," Emily replied. "We were after our unsub, who was going down the stairwell."

"Let me guess," I crossed my arms. "She tackled him down the stairs?"

"How do you know?" Emily asked.

"We work together," I sighed. "Plus, we're dating."

"You guys are part of the same team, but you're dating?" Prentiss asked.

"Yeah, my dad set us up when we first met. I wasn't a part of the team then," Lilah explained. "When I got hired, we stayed in a relationship and then I was sent to Forks because of a situation, and we broke up. When I came back to Hawaii, I got my job back." I looked at Lilah. "I was put on desk duty because he didn't like my boyfriend I was with at that time. So I went to the governor, who got me off of desk duty but he also made me the leader of the task force. I had to go back to the governor and tell him it was a mistake. we got our position switch back to the way it was as long as I was never put on desk duty again. And we're back together now."

"She left out the part where the governor is her uncle," I replied.

"Yeah, and that," Lilah pointed.

"So, why did you tackle the guy downstairs?" I asked as I looked at her. "Just because I do it, doesn't mean you can do it."

"Monkey sees, monkey do," a blonde woman replied. "Do you want me to take your daughter down to the cafeteria?"

"Please, JJ," Lilah nodded. JJ left with Leilani. "Steve, I wasn't trying to let the guy get away. If I didn't tackle him, he would've been probably four blocks down the road and I would have been able to catch him." I raised a brow. "I did what my gut told me to do. Knowing you, you would've been proud if I did that in Hawaii."

"In Hawaii, where we have jurisdiction," I nodded. "What bone did you break?"

"I sprained my left ankle," Lilah sighed.

"At least you didn't break anything," I replied. "Can we clear the room, please?" Everyone left. "You ran with wolves and vampires, and you didn't injure yourself. But when you get back with me you go and sprain your ankle?" Lilah sighed. "We came here to get away from the troubles and problems and normalcy in Hawaii. But you go and take a case with the FBI? What's up with that?"

"Steve, maybe, just maybe I wanted to feel what it was like to be the one going to work when you're the one at home with a child," Lilah looked at me. "I was always going to work. I always had Leilani with me. I wanted to feel how you feel when you don't have to worry about a kid attached to your hip." She let a tear slip. "I wanted to feel what it was like to not be a parent or worry that I have a kid at home. At least with you, if anything happened to me, you would be there for her."

"Lilah, your daughter needs you," I replied. "Leilani loves you with all that she has. And you know what? She asked me if I was going to leave like Seth did." Lilah looked at me, worried at what my answer was. "I told her I wasn't going to leave her, or you. You two, are the most important women in my life." Lilah smiled. "Leilani might not be blood, but she is ohana. And ohana doesn't end with blood."

"She needs you too, Steve. She doesn't have a dad. Her dad turned out to be a vampire and now he's dead."

"Yeah," I nodded. "So, how did you get to work with the FBI?"

"Emily reached out to me in an email a couple weeks ago saying that she wanted to have a face-to-face talk with me. And she didn't want to do it over video conference. So, when we got here, and got ready, I came to the FBI Academy and talk to her. Apparently, Maxwell wrote a letter to the FBI asking if I could cover his paper for witness protection. They're going to deny it, if course, but they were asking what my connection to him was. He has nothing to be afraid of, his son is dead, and he doesn't need to change his identity. He wanted me to take care of the paperwork because I think he wanted me to know who he was if I took Leilani to see him."

"That man is in over his head," I nodded. "Look, I promise you that we will cut his connection with Leilani." Lilah smiled. "I take it you want this man out of your life too. So, when it comes down to it, and we get married, I will legally adopt Leilani and we can write up a restraining order on him."

"You're talking about marriage when we aren't even engaged."

"I'm done being a bachelor. I need to know if you know what you want in life."

"You were my only serious relationship."

"What about Seth?"

"I don't want to talk about him anymore. I may only be twenty one years old, but I don't want to spend the rest of my life chasing after guys when there was only one guy I've ever really loved."

"Do you mean that?"

"Yes, and I can't believe it took this situation to make us admit these feelings for each other," I replied. Leilani ran in. "I want us to be happy together. I want us to grow together. Maybe Leilani will have a little brother or sister some day down the road."

"Slow it, McGarrett," Lilah smiled. "I'm not even your wife, let along your fiancée."

"Only time will tell," I nodded. "I want us to work out, Lilah." Lilah looked at me as Leilani held her hand. "Just, let's try to keep you out of the hospital bed."

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