Chap 20 "Back At The Daycare"

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Lilah's POV

Monday came around in my shift at the daycare started at seven. I woke up at six and got ready. I told my parents that Danny would pick up Leilani for school and I headed to work. I pulled into the parking lot. It's great to be back, I smiled. I walked inside and clocked in. I grabbed my class folder and went to my class. I open the folder to look at who everyone was. My teacher's aid was already in class with the kids. "So, you're Miss Kaycee?"

"Just Miss Kay," she smiled. "Miss Lilah, right?"

"Mrs. Lilah," I nodded. "I'm spoken for."

"I was expecting that," Kaycee sighed.

"Excuse me?" I looked at her.

"They said you'll take charge of your class," Kaycee looked at me. "Like you never left. I'm sorry, but things around here have changed." I raise the brow. "The owner of the center has changed. Whatever the old owner has told you is void."

"Lilah," Uncle James walked in. "Have you heard the news?"

"I was just about to tell her," Kaycee smiled. "Governor Carson is the new owner."

"Really?" I smiled.

"Yeah," James nodded. "So, I am making you the co-owner of this daycare."

"I'm sorry," Kaycee stated. "Shouldn't you get the position to someone more qualified?"

"I make my niece is capable of running the daycare," James smiled. "She's been here before and she knows what to do."

"Thank you, Uncle James," I replied.

"You also have hiring and firing authority," James nodded. "Oh, Steve also said you help out Five-O when you need it?"

"Yeah, did he also mention we're getting married?"

"He did and I'm very happy for you. When's the wedding?"

"We're not sure yet,"I replied. "I'll send out invitations when we figure it out."

"I'll be here every now and then, but every single staff member had to come to you first if you're here. And if you're not here they have to go to the Director," James nodded. "I have to go and take care of a few things at the office. I'll be back as soon as I can."

"Okay," I states. Uncle James left and I looked at Kaycee. "So, you were saying?"

"I didn't know he was your uncle," Kaycee looked at me. "I'm so sorry."

"He's also my godfather," I replied as I've got situated at my desk. "Before you found out he was my uncle, you were a bit rude and that's something I won't tolerate. I suggest you show up with a better attitude tomorrow or you'll be terminated." Kaycee nodded and got back to work. I spent most of my morning learning who each kid was as most of them were all new. "Okay. I think I got it."

"I'm guessing it takes a while to get back into the routine," Kaycee stated that she put the last child down to nap. "I was told that this isn't for everybody."

"And it's not," I nodded. "I had to pull my daughter out and quit because of a situation I was in." My phone rang and I picked up. "I should've put my phone on silent."

"It's naptime, isn't it?" Steve asked.

"Yeah," I stated as I stepped out of the room. "What do you need?"

"Just calling to see how your first day is going," Steve stated. "Also, to ask if you're available to help on the case."

"Yeah, I'm always available to help," I smiled. "I'll tell you about my job after the case. Just tell me where to be." I hung up. I walked back into the room and packed my things. "Kaycee, I have to go help on a case. If I'm not back by the end of the day, just go ahead and close up."

"Wait, you're leaving?"Kaycee asked.

"Perks of being the owner," I smiled. "I'm just kidding. My second job needs me and I have to be there."

"What was your second job, again?" Kaycee asked.

"Technically, this daycare is my second job," I replied. "But I also work with the Five-O task force."

"Ah, your boss is very attractive," Kaycee smiled.

"And taken."

"How would you know that?"

"Because I'm the one who's with him," I replied. She was shocked. "Yeah, Steve McGarrett is my fiancé." My phone beeped and I looked at it. "A double homicide. My favorite." I got in my car and drove to the crime scene. I clipped my gun and badge to my pants. I walked into the scene and to my team. "Hey."

"Yoga pants?" Danny asked.

"If I'm running after four and five year olds all day, I'm not wearing jeans or constricting pants," I stated. "I was told this was a double homicide. I only see one victim."

"The vic was pregnant," Steve sighed. "Too early to tell the gender, but a small bump."

"You've got to be a sick kind of person to kill a mother and her unborn child," I stated. "The media is going to have a field day with this one. Do not release any information on the victim to the media."

"Hey Lilah!" a voice called. "Delilah Winters! Over here!"

"Oh no," I stated as I saw who it was. "Why didn't our system flag him?"

"You told me to flag an Evan Buck," Danny replied. "That is his name, right?"

"I meant to say Evan Buckley," I sighed. "I'll be back." I walked over to the police tape. "How'd you find me?"

"Wherever there's a case, you're not too far behind," Evan stated. "Looks like your plan failed."

"It didn't," I stated. "We just accidentally typed your name wrong."

"We hung out for a couple days and you forgot my name?" Evan asked. "Wow, some officer you are?"

"You introduced yourself as Evan Buck, not Evan Buckley," I replied.

"Babe, do you want to notify the next of kin yourself or do you need me to come along and hold your hand?" Steve asked.

"As much as I'd love for you to hold my hand, I think I got this one," I replied. "Besides, I'm pretty good at delivering bad news and comforting them."

"Yeah, okay," Steve smiled and handed me a sticky note. "I'll meet you back at the Palace."

"Okay," I sighed as Steve walked away. "I'll deal with you later."

A Daycare TeacherWhere stories live. Discover now