😭still king 😭

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3rd point of view(this is a fluff storie)
Kageyama was laying on his bed cuddling up to a pillow and crying. He over heard two of his classmate talking about him and saying he is still the king of the court and shouldn't be allowed in the school or volleyball. After he heard that he ran home crying he thought maybe he hasn't change maybe he is the same person he was before. He couldn't get those stupid comment out of his head he kept replying it in his head over and over again

Kageyama pov
I still couldn't believe what they said about me maybe it is true maybe I'm still the same stupid selfish king. My phone kept blowing up because I didnt attend practice, so I decided to cheek it.

Hinita: where kage

Suga: yeah I haven't seen him since this morning

Noya:maybe he is sick

Tanaka: yeah bro maybe
Tsuki: no king probably would have still came to practice even if he is sick

Yams: yeah tsuki right

Asahi: maybe a home emergency happening and had to go home?

Dachi: maybe spam I'm so he can get on here 

Dachi: @kage

Asahi: @kage






                  Kage oneline


Hinata:where are you

Kage:at home why

Dachi:because you suppose to be at practice

Kage: I didn't feel good

Tsuki: that a lie


Tsuki:because even when you sick you come to practice and you won't leave until some one forces you to go home

                   Kage is offline


everyone: はい (yes)

After practice
(There already dating)

Tsuki pov:
After practice I headed to tobio's house because he didn't show up to practice and I knew don't was wrong because he always shows up. I went to the store because I'm getting some milk and snack. I saw a milk plushie and I got it for him because he loves milk. After I got my stuff I headed to my house so I can get some clothes just to spend the night if I wanted to I got a extra hoodie so he can have one of mine because he loves to take mine
Time skip to when he got there
(Still tsuki pov)
I got to his house and took out the spare key I had. I opened the door and I called his name out but no response.

3rd pov:

Tsuki decided to go up stares and   once he got up stares he heard crying he open the door and saw tobio crying and he drop his stuff" hey, hey tobio what's wrong are you ok" he said while hugging him. "No I'm not I heard two of my classmate say that I shouldn't be at this school or one the volleyball team because I'm still the same king of the court" said tobio hugging kei more. "Your not the king of the court anymore you a nice, very good volleyball play and a nice friend and boyfriend okay so don't think that's true you changed for the better ok I love you and so does the team ok"said kei while putting tobio in his lap and sitting on the bed. "Okay that's kei you made me feel better" said tobio cuddling closer to kei.  "How about we cuddle ok and I got you one of my hoodie and some snake so we can watch a movie ok" kei said putting tobio on the bed and waking over to get the stuff. Kei handed tobio the milk plushie and said " I got this for you because I know you like milk and it also reminded me of you" "aww kei thank you" he said hugging and kissing on the cheek. "Oh I got milk and some other snacks we can try "said kei, "okay " was what to do said as he sat down on the bed he search for a movie while kei got the stuff out tobio ask kei if he can get the hoodie of course he said yes. Kei sat down next to tobio "what movie you want to watch" tobio ask kei. "I really don't care I just want to spend time with you and cuddle ok" kei said cuddling up to cuddle. To io hummed in response. (By now tobio stoped crying) tobio laid down next to kei and stared cuddling up to kei. They were watching To all the boys I loved p.s I still love you they had laugh and kissed each other once in awhile but the night spent with love.

How was this this is my first like long one tell me how I did but yeah hopefully you liked this and and tell me what you guys want next❤️❤️❤️

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