Unspoken Feelings

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Summary: Hinata struggles with his feelings of jealousy as he watches Kageyama and Tsukishima grow closer, unaware of the turmoil brewing within him.


Hinata sat on the sidelines, his eyes trained on the volleyball court where Kageyama and Tsukishima were practicing together. He couldn't help but feel a twinge of jealousy every time he saw them laughing and joking with each other, their camaraderie evident in every move they made.

As the practice session came to an end, Hinata approached Kageyama and Tsukishima with a forced smile, trying to push down the feelings of envy that threatened to consume him.

"Hey, great practice, guys," Hinata said, his voice sounding strained even to his own ears.

Kageyama and Tsukishima exchanged a glance before turning to face Hinata, their expressions filled with genuine warmth.

"Thanks, Hinata," Kageyama replied, his eyes shining with sincerity.

Hinata forced himself to return the smile, but inside, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered in the pit of his stomach. He had always admired Kageyama's skills on the court, but lately, his feelings had begun to take on a different tone, one that he couldn't quite put into words.

As they walked home together, Hinata found himself unable to shake the image of Kageyama and Tsukishima laughing together, their bond seeming unbreakable. And try as he might, he couldn't ignore the pang of jealousy that twisted in his chest at the thought of someone else sharing that connection with Kageyama.

It wasn't until later that night, as he lay in bed staring at the ceiling, that Hinata finally admitted the truth to himself. He was jealous of Tsukishima, not just because of his skills on the court, but because of the bond he shared with Kageyama. And as much as it pained him to admit it, a part of him wished that he could be the one by Kageyama's side, sharing in those moments of laughter and camaraderie.

But as the tears welled up in his eyes, Hinata knew that his feelings would remain unspoken, hidden away beneath a facade of smiles and forced cheerfulness. Because sometimes, the hardest battles were the ones we fought within ourselves, and Hinata wasn't sure if he was ready to confront the truth of his own heart.

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