It had been dusk now, as the day time had bled into the night beautifully, and exposed the dark blue sky. It was unlike the Vampiriclands, where the days were gray and the nights had been in complete darkness and fog. The sealands felt tropical, and warm. The type of warmth that reminded Chrissa of her home.
The forest had been in the distance far behind them, as they approached the cave. There were silver gates that had been opened ever so slightly, as darkness greeted them ahead.
"I say we stay together. Nobody splits up. We don't know what's in there."
Kandor laughed dryly at MIchael's order, "nonsense. We most certainly are splitting," he narrowed his eyes. "Chrissa with me, you with the other one."
"I have a name," Mars seethed.
"Good to know," he said, and rolled his eyes dismissively at her remark.
Michael then crossed his arms, "oh what's the matter? Not used to not bossing people around and not being a dick?" He shot at him.
"Michael, stop," snapped Chrissa.
"No, do keep going," Kandor grinned. "Tell me all about the pleasures and riches of being a leader, security guard." The gray eyed boy taunted him, as he looked at Chrissa, "you need a real man. One that knows how to take care of you."
"You don't know what Chrissa needs," Michael growled, as he charged up to Kandor and collided his fist to his jaw in anger. They quickly melted into an altercation of sharp punches and hits.
Chrissa's eyes then widened, "guys, stop!" She shouted in annoyance.
Mars grinned, "i'm putting money on Michael."
The dark haired girl rolled her eyes at her comment, and stood between the both of them. They were looking at her, but rather at one another in a deadly gaze that spoke more words than their lips ever would. She felt pure hatred pour out from the two of them. They wanted to ravish each other.
Chrissa opened her mouth to speak, but was rudely interrupted by the sound of the gates as they creaked open.
Almost instantly, it revealed what looked like dozens of Seadroids lined up in a row, staring at them. They were made of metal, and shaped as if they were half fish, half human. There existed a red light where their hands were.
"Attack," a robotic voice commanded, and then another, and then another.
Quickly, they charged towards the four of them on deadly command, and began blasting red lasers from their hands at them all. Chrissa ducked, as one of the Seadroids shot at her, and she tripped one with her foot, dropped an elbow down into its belly, and ripped out its electrical cords.
Kandor began to levitate, and grabbed the sword that had been attached to his waist and sliced off three of the Seadroids' heads in an elegant-like fashion. He then looked ahead, and took note of two hallways that led further into the cave. "Interesting..." he mumbled to himself.
"Michael!" Chrissa exclaimed, but in a whisper, as a Seadroid had pressed its foot into her chest with force. Her voice had grown horse, as the steal felt as if it were a thousand pounds crushing her bones to pieces. With strength, she managed to not let it completely tear her apart, but the steel had been crushing her chest completely.
Suddenly, Michael sped over to where she was, and jammed his black and golden sword into the robot's electrical circuit. Almost instantly, it dropped and Chrissa felt relieved, as her bones had begun to connect themselves again. Michael was about to open his mouth, but Chrissa shoved him aside, and shielded him from a laser shot that had been aimed at his head.

The Ring
Fantasía** This is book one of a three book series. The other two are on Amazon but I started writing the story on wattpad and wanted to keep it here for memories. Enjoy! ** _____________________________________________ "Beautiful women always fall for me."...