Chapter 28

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The next morning Iwaizumi woke up with Oikawa's head on his chest and his arms around him, he immediately panicked but managed not to move.

"Wasn't he the one hugging me last night?! what the fuck??"

Oikawa opened his eyes slowly and it took him a while to realize the position he was in but he didn't want to make things awkward so he decided to just act natural. He squirmed a little before looking up at Iwaizumi "good morning Iwa-chan" he smiled cutely, still half asleep. For Iwa, it felt like an arrow had just shot through his heart "get- get off me!" he pushed him off and stomped towards the restroom.

Oikawa giggled before hugging onto a pillow "he's cute when he's shy" he mumbled to himself, a slight blush spreading across his cheeks.

By the time Iwaizumi had calmed down and got out of the restroom, Oikawa was in the kitchen making breakfast.

"What were you doing in there? you know how long it took me to find another restroom in this house?" Oikawa complained.

"You'll get used to it" Iwaizumi replied unbothered while trying to peak at the food Oikawa was making since it smelled good.

"Sit down, I'm almost done"

"Ok.." Iwaizumi sat down on the very last chair of the table which was placed horizontally along the dining room. The spot where he sat gave him a clear view of Oikawa's back and it was a bit far from the stove so he could see all the way from the back of his head to his ankles. It also gave him a clear view of Oikawa's slim yet nicely toned legs and his bubble like, firm ass. Iwa hadn't realize how tight Oikawa's shorts were sooner because of the whole commotion from last night. At some point he caught himself staring and had to hit himself to snap out of it.

"Stop it Hajime! geez.. what am I? some pervert?!"

"Anddd it's done!" Oikawa placed the food on the table and instead of sitting somewhere away from Iwaizumi like he expected him to, he sat on the closest chair to him.

"This is our first breakfast together since I started living here so I might've gone over board on the side dishes.. but I hope you like them!" Oikawa grinned.

"I- It looks good" Iwaizumi said quietly.

"Thank you for the food!" they both chanted before digging in. Oikawa ate a piece of his Tamagoyaki before glancing at Iwaizumi nervously "um, how is it..?"

"It's.. really good" Iwaizumi's eyes beamed, he wasn't expecting Oikawa to be such a great cook. It actually made him feel a bit ashamed of his own cooking skills.

"Ahh I'm glad you think so!" Oikawa's nervousness slipped away and they both enjoyed breakfast happily.

After they finished, Iwa helped Oikawa clean up the table and bring the dishes to the sink.

"I'll wash them since you cooked" Iwaizumi offered, still acting a bit awkward.

"No no! it's fine, I'll do it. It's the least I can do as a freeloader"

"You're not a freeloader, move! I'm gonna do it" Iwaizumi pushed him gently to the side.

"I said I'll do it!" Oikawa pushed back.

They couldn't come to an agreement so they ended up washing them together. Oikawa scrubbed them and Iwaizumi rinsed.

"You know.."


"This kinda feels like we're newly weds" Oikawa blushed at his own words.

"W-what?! stop spouting nonsense!" Iwaizumi scolded him flustered, as his cheeks began to flush.

"I- I was just saying!"

The kitchen was finally clean and they admired it proudly before it became awkward again.

"I have a class in about 30 minutes so I'm gonna go change and leave soon.." Iwaizumi said.

"Wait, why am I telling him?"

"I see.. I have one in two hours so I probably won't be home when you get back, after that I'll be leaving around 4:30 to work. Sorry, I completely forgot that when I told you we'd go to the doctor today"

"It's fine, I don't wanna go anyways"

"What do you mean?! you have to go!" Oikawa raised his voice, he hated the fact that Iwaizumi didn't even try to get over what happened. He was aware that it wasn't easy and that the fact that he just remembered everything that happened made it worse but if only he tried.. he wouldn't be suffering so much.

"Why are you getting mad?! this isn't even your problem!" Iwa snapped back.

"How is it not my problem?! I'm your best friend!!"

"You were my best friend!!"

Oikawa gasped inaudibly and his expression immediately dropped. As soon as the words came out of his mouth, Iwaizumi regretted what he said because he truly didn't mean it at all. Oikawa clenched his fists and stomped towards him, at this point Iwa was prepared to get punched and he wasn't planning to put up a fight because he knew damn well he deserved it but instead of feeling any pain, he felt like someone had crashed into his chest. Oikawa had not punched him, he hugged him. He hugged him tightly with a mix of anger and sadness.

"How could you say that to me? I'm just worried about you, that's all.. I know I don't deserve being treated any different but I just want you to be ok"

"I'm sorry, I didn't mean that so don't cry" Iwa hugged him back, feeling like the worst person in the world.

"I'm not crying" Oikawa whined under his breath.

"I can hear your sniffles"

"No, you can't!"

Iwaizumi smiled softly before hesitantly rubbing the back of Oikawa's head with one of his hands. Oikawa's eyes widened a bit and his heart skipped a beat.

"Hey trashykawa"


"From what I remember, we were really close back then and you were one of the most important people to me. You were my best friend and I always appreciated your company even if it didn't seem like it and I still feel the same way. The more I look at you now the more memories come back to me, so what I'm trying to say is.. I still consider you my best friend so just forget what I said earlier"

"Iwa-channn, you told me not to cry but how can I not when you say such things?"

"Geez, you're just a cry baby"

"I'm not!"

"Hey, I'm already late to class because of you so let me go"

"Don't wanna!"

"I won't eat breakfast with you ever again then" Iwa threatened him with the biggest smirk on his face, he knew Oikawa would give in to that.

Oikawa let out an over dramatic gasp "what?!" he quickly pulled away from the hug "that's so mean!"

"I have to go, if I get scolded you owe me chicken" Iwaizumi said before finally heading to his room and changing. He came back to the living room and grabbed his backpack before walking towards the door. Oikawa followed behind him until he walked out of the house "bye Iwa-chan!" he waved enthusiastically.

Iwaizumi hesitantly waved back and got into his car. Once he was out of sight Oikawa leaned on the door frame and let out a sigh.

"Gosh we're a mess"

To be continued..

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